Chapter 17

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I take one last look around my room here in Caras Galadhon. I'm back in my patrolling gear, armor and arms, about to set off with the rest of the fellowship. With a sad sigh I grab my cloak and clasp it around my neck.

Time to go and socialize.

I grit my teeth as I suppress a frustrated scream. Why did I ever agree to go with the fellowship? I'm content enough here in my new home, I was just feeling like I belong... Actually, not really, but any excuse not to go is good enough for me.

I don't want to go on a perilous journey with a group of men that I barely know anything about, I don't want to take on a daunting task to save Middle-Earth. I sigh sadly again, this sadness for middle-earth that fills me had compelled me into agreeing to go. Honestly, if it came down to saving Middle-Earth I'd do anything. But that doesn't mean I don't want to do it.

A chill blew through the golden leaves above and I pull my cloak a little tighter around me. The walk to where the fellowship is meeting isn't long, only a few minutes. I feel the rocky path beneath my leather boots and I focus my gaze on the smooth pebbles. My thoughts go to Mîn Êl. Yesterday, before I fell asleep, an ellon had come to take it. Galadriel had sent the elf and told me that the stone would be returned to me tomorrow. Why did she want it? I do not know.

Up ahead, through the trees, I can see the fellowship congregating. I watch as all of them gather supplies to put in boats. Huh, traveling by boat, I see. I don't really have an opinion about being in a boat, mostly because I've never been in one.

"The water is calm. A storm must be brewing." I jumped at the sound of Legolas' soft voice.

I quickly gathered my jumbled thoughts and twirled the ends of my brain.

"How do you know?"

"Just an inference," he said while casting his eyes upwards towards the clear sky.

"If a storm is coming, then why are we traveling by boat? Or just traveling for the matter? Shouldn't we just wait the storm out?" I let my eyes travel across the cloudless sky.

Legolas shrugged again, "we could wait it out. But what ever made Galadriel scared must have been urgent. In that case we need to leave as soon as possible. And by traveling by boat we will be going faster than we could with feet."

"But what if it storms while we are traveling?" I ask, my eyes moving to him.

"Then we'll go ashore and take cover under the trees."

"Sounds like a good enough plan."

Out of the corner of my eye I see some of the Caras Galadhrim enter the clearing. Among the elves I see Galadriel, Celeborn, and Braiglach. All elves, except for Galadriel and Celeborn, are carrying green-gray cloaks.

I gentle tap Legolas' arm, "hey." I point to the elves, but of course he had already saw them. Or heard them. By now, the rest of the fellowship had seen the elves and we all moved into a line, side by side.

"Never before have we clad strangers in the garb of our own people. May these cloaks help shield you from unfriendly eyes," as Celeborn talked the other elves came up to each of us. Braiglach smiled as she stepped up to me, she was the only one not holding a cloak. I turned my head from side to side looking at the rest of the fellowship as the elves put the cloaks on them.

"You already have our cloak, we are giving you the fellowship brooch instead," I looked back to Braiglach and watched as she ripped of the gold clasp on my cloak. She held together the cloak and put the fellowship brooch on; a greenleaf intwined with a silver thread of metal.

I looked up at Braiglach and was surprised to feel tears prick my eyes, "thank you."

Braiglach smiled sadly back. She knew I wasn't talking about the brooch, "there is no need to thank me."

I threw my arms around her and hugged her tightly. This elleth had been my friend and trained me so I could survive in this world. "I'll miss you," I whisper into her hair.

She squeezed me tightly, "you be safe. And don't get yourself killed."  I chuckled lightly as I pulled back and wiped my eyes. Braiglach stepped back to join the rest of the elves and Galadriel went to the far right of the line. Starting with Legolas.

I won't bore you with the details, but you should know he looked like a little kid again when he laid eyes on his new bow.

Pippin and Merry got shiny new daggers, Sam got elven rope. Aragorn got nothing new, because Galadriel said there was nothing greater she could give him, for he as the Evenstar.

Gimli, most surprising, got three strands of Galadriel's hair. At the moment Legolas and I shared a stunned look, we knew about when Galadriel had refused to give her hair to Fëanor when he had begged her three times.

Frodo got the light of Ëarendil, also very surprising. Boromir was given a belt of gold.

When Galadriel arrived in front of my I was holding my breath. I had no idea what to expect.

Galadriel held her hand out, and in her hand was Mîr Êl. But this time the jewel had a strand of silver metal wrapped around it, connected to that is a black, long, ribbon.

I slightly gasped at the beauty of it. I held out my hand to take it, but Galadriel moved it away.

"I have had this jewel enchanted. When this necklace is on, it can contain some of your power. Soon your power may overwhelm you, I suspect that it may have already started," Galadriel took my hand and placed the necklace in it, "I only wish for you to be safe and return happy."

She smiled and I realized that I'm going to miss her. Celeborn too.

"Thank you, naneth. Thank you for everything you've done for me. I wish you good fortune while I am away," I bowed my head in respect and took a step back. But before I could actually take that step I am pulled into a soft embrace.

After a moment of being tense, I relaxed and hugged her back. I felt safe in this embrace, like how a chick might feel under it's mother's wings.

Galadriel pulled back too soon and gently took my head in her hands and kissed my hair.

"No i Melain na le. (May the Valar be with you)"

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