Just a warning... there's some Legornel moments in this chapter... kinda. But you did read this fanfic for some Legolas x female character, right?
Oh, and sorry but I'm going to make up stop this song (All I Need, Within Temptation) halfway through.
(Thou may play the music)
My throat burned as I looked up against the blinding sun confused, why am I outside? Orthanc loomed ahead, water and a wasteland surrounding it. Lazy clouds floated through the blue sky, birds twittered in the air, and—
My breath caught, along with my aching heart.
Someone I hadn't seen in what seemed like forever stood before me, the sun framed his features perfectly.
I didn't realize how much I had missed him until I saw him.
My best friend looked messier than usual, but beautiful as ever. Those soft blue eyes red with irritation, silver lined them. But they held a concern that I had ever rarely saw.
But... he was in front of me. Not at Mount Doom like he should've been. He wasn't back home, my existence merely a whisper that had floated away in the wind. He was here.
All my fantasies in that gloomy cell aren't coming true, because this one is better than them all.
And now I know that he cares, he cares, he cares, and that this isn't one of those dreams that are yanked away as soon as I wake up. I could reach out and touch him if I wanted, because he's here. With me.
Tears broke from me in a sob. I lurched forward and wrapped my arms around his neck, all my pain forgotten. He gasped a little in surprised, but I loved it. I basked in the wondrous sound that I had missed so much. I hadn't heard his voice, or even his breath, since all that time ago.
My hands tangled in his hair, fingers brushing his soft skin as my body shook against his.
"You came for me—you actually came for me," I said in disbelief, the words pushed out through the sobs that still racked through me.
His strong arms held onto me tighter, not willing to let go just yet. "Of course I came, I would travel across Arda—Ea even, to get to you."
"Thank you," I whispered, but it was swallowed up in another sob. The words I truly wanted to say stayed glued to my tongue.
I buried my face further into his hair, his neck. I felt him breathing me in and I couldn't blame him because I was doing the same thing. I breathed in the scent of him—cedar and fresh rain. I inhaled it, couldn't get enough of it. His embrace was home, I never wanted to let go.
His strong and warm embrace is a new type of home that I've never had. I shook in his arms, still not believing that he's here. In Isengard. What had he gone through to get here?
My arms tightened around him again, trying to tell him 'don't let go yet.' But he stiffened, went straight as a board, and I wondered what I did wrong.
I reluctantly pulled back and wiped at my eyes and sniffled. I peered up at Legolas through my wet lashes.
His expression stayed frozen on his face. Those beautiful blue eyes slide to me, horror filling them. And then something like resentment hardened them over. His breathing quickened.

The Unexpected | LotR Fanfiction
Fanfiction"King Thranduil's voice rung out again, filling the area, 'And Legolas? Do not fail, she could be the tipping of the balance that Middle-earth needs.'" - Lumornel has always been a quiet girl, content with her nose stuck in a book or writing in her...