Chapter 13

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Sorry for the long wait... but I hope I made it up with this long[ish] chapter!

The video above is truly amazing...

"Get up!" Braiglach yelled, her dark, almost black, brown hair bounced slightly. I groaned on the grass covered ground. Let me tell you, being thrown onto the ground hurts.

"Get up!" she repeated, advancing.

I took in shallow breaths, clutching at my side, "I can't," I grunted.

"Yes. You can," she stated, walking ever closer, "If you can't get up now, how are you going to make it out there, huh? You can't. So. Get. Up." She takes the last step so she is towering over me.

I sighed and with a grunt sat up. I clutched at my rib and glared at Braiglach, "I think I broke a rib."

%#Flash Back to three days ago#%

I sensed a figure sit next to me on the log.  I looked the opposite direction, towards the overlook that had a fantastic view of the forest, the tree tops the color of gold.

"Amin merna quen" (I wish to speak) I sighed and looked to Galadriel. Her white dress billowed in the wind around her feet.

"You may... You don't have to ask, you are the Lady of the Forest," I looked to her and forced a smile, but then dropped my gaze back to the jewel in my hand.

"I try to be polite," I heard the smile in her voice.

"What did you have to say?" I ask, running my finger over the smooth surface of the stone.

"That stone in your hand is very special. It was given to Legolas by his mother, and her mother before her. It has been passed down from generation to generation."

I looked up at her in surprise, "then why has he given it to me?"

She looked at me, "I will leave that up to Legolas" I huffed as I saw the twinkle in her eyes. I don't know why he gave this to me... But maybe at the back of my mind I do know.

"I am having one of my best warriors train you. She will pick you up at your talan in one hour. I have had someone drop off some proper training garments at your talan." 

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Why are you doing this? Helping me, that is."

Galadriel smiled and put a reassuring hand on my arm, "I am helping you because you are my daughter and because I believe you can make a difference in Middle-Earth. I know that you think that you are not going to make it, out there in the world. And I know that you want to learn how to help in this oncoming war of this age," her smile disappeared and her expression turned serious, "Just know that you fight not for harming, but for the people behind you who need protection. You do it so the common people are safe."

I looked thoughtfully up at her, "thank you." I bow my head in respect.

#% %#

I sat on the table in the Infirmary, "Judging by how your breathing is not too labored, I assure you that your rib is indeed not broken. Perhaps only bruised," I breathed out in relief and a little in disappointment at the healers words. I slightly wish I did have a broken rib so that I wouldn't have to practice with Braiglach. The past three days has labored my body very much; ever since the first practice my body has ached. 

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