Chapter 54

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^*^early update this morning!! Whoop whoop!^*^

I started. Now? Leave now? He can't be serious.

But of course, he is. Staying here puts not only myself at risk but the entire population of Lothlorien. I must stay ahead of Sauron. If not... well...

"We have enough supplies for you and Prince Legolas to reach Mirkwood." Galadriel stood, covertly wiping the grass from her dress.

"You knew that we'd have to leave." It wasn't a question. I looked over at Legolas, who had a nurse fretting over his ripped stitches. "You knew too."

"I suspected," he nodded. "But that's beside the point, Lum. We must reach Mirkwood. I'm sorry."

I shook my head. "It's not your fault." I hesitated, beheld all those watching. Deciding I didn't want two dozen elves listening in, I went closer, switching for only half a dozen elf ears. Although, most jumped into action.

"It's not your fault," I repeated, watching the nurse's steady hand needle through flesh. Needles and blood didn't bother me anymore. "It's mine. I've been too selfish and shortsighted to see beyond my own wants. I wanted to rest, be in a place that felt half-way like home."

I shook my head again, sitting down next to Legolas on a log once the healer scurried away. "But I guess I always knew that couldn't work out. So, let's go. To Mirkwood. To help our people, so you can rule them."

Legolas sighed and scratched the back of his neck. "You may stay here if you wish. I know what it's like to desire to stay in a place with no threats, to just be at peace."

I bit my cheek. That's what I really want, isn't it? A place to pretend I'm not needed. "I'll go with you."

He nodded resolutely, seeing—or sensing—that I had already made up my mind.

"Legolas... I'm... sorry if I'm being too much of a burden. Because of me you almost got killed. And then what would—" happen if Mirkwood lost its Prince, all because of an ignorant girl.

I shook the thought away. "I'm sorry. But I'm going with you to Mirkwood." Sighing dejectedly, I leaned against Legolas's shoulder. Fatigue washed over me.

"Lumornel..." He shifted away.

I tensed in apprehension.

"For my sake, Lum, please stop. I told you how I felt—feel—about you and you dismissed my proclamation. I can live with that, but not if you act as if it didn't happen—as you are doing now. Your subtle touches, your words of comfort—they're killing me, Lum. I would be delighted to stay friends, but not if you act as if you are wanting something more."

"I—" I stopped, flabbergasted. Was I really acting as if I wanted something more?

...Do I want something more...?

Yes. Valar, yes.

I clenched my teeth and balled my hands into the fabric of my trousers. I had made up my mind weeks ago. Legolas doesn't deserve to live in pain. Yes, I will die, but can't I ease his pain—make him happy, even—until my mortal death comes?

I leaned forward, determination taking over. Anticipation tingled my hands as excitement jumped in my chest. "Legolas, I've been a fool. All this time I've—"

"Excuse me, hiril vuin a hir Legolas," said a suddenly annoying ellon, completely unaware of what he just interrupted. "Your supplies are ready and Hir Celeborn insists you leave at once."

"Surely we can wait—"

Kaylessa sauntered up. "And surely Sauron's forces are only a few hours away. You and the princeling must be going soon."

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