Chapter 14

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I apologize for the long wait, here's the next (amazing) chapter!

I opened my eyes to find that I'm laying chest down on a smooth black floor, my hand in front of my face. The cold seeped into my skin. I get up on my elbows to see that I'm in a long dark corridor, it never seemed to end.

I stood up and a short, white dress flowed around my knees in a nonexistent breeze. Instead of torches lighting up the hallway, their is small balls of light floating up near the black ceiling. They almost looked like stars. I stared at them, entranced by their beauty.

A gust of wind blew my hair up across my face and as I moved it out of the way, I saw that a door opened, leaving it cracked. A warm light filtered through the crack, washing over my face. I sighed in relief. Something pushed at my mind to walk to the door, so I did.

The door had no handle so I wrapped my fingers around the rough edge and pushed it wider open.

As soon as I did the corridor disappeared and a garden appeared in it's place. Flowers and shrubs stood tall around me and somewhere I could hear the crystal cascade of a waterfall. The warm light enveloped me and I could feel the energy pressing in on me, but as soon as I felt it, it went away. Bees went to and fro from flower to flower. I reaches out to graze the petals of the flowers. They feel soft and smooth under my finger tips. I let my hand run over the flowers as I walk, the bees not caring. I've always had a love of flowers, as a young girl my parents would loose me in a field of flowers, I would lay down with the flower heads leaning over me and the bees would buzz around me. The bees never bothered me, they seemed to like me.

I smiled to myself. The moss on the ground was like a cushion for my bare feet. The scent of flowers filled my nose and the slight breeze kept the heat at bay.

I looked around to see that the garden seemed to never end, flowers, moss, and shrubs all around, the only break in the plants was the walking path and small streams of crystal clear water. No evil seemed to touch this place, the plants are in full bloom, not shriveling under evil. The water is crystal clear, not plagued with mud and parasites and the air felt and smelled clean and clear, no heaviness or smoke lay in it.

"You have a liking for flowers, do you not?" A husky voice said, alarmingly close.

I whipped around, my hair slicing through the air before settling onto my back, and my arms trying to grab onto something behind me in the flowers, but the flowers seemed to grab onto me, holding me steady. In front of me stood a very handsome ellon. Most females would probably swoon at the sight of him, although I did not swoon, my breath did get caught in my throat. The ellon was very tall and had strawberry, almost red, hair flowing down his back and over his shoulders. He did not have a circlet, but just from the vibes coming off of him I could tell that he is powerful.

"Don't fret, young one, I will not harm you. I am a friend," his smooth voice calmed me. He started walking as I stared at his captivating face, he motioned for me to walk with him.

I hurried to his side, not wanting him to wait.

"You like it here, do you not?"  He looked down at me, a smirk on his face.

I looked around at the beautiful flowers and nodded, "I do. It's... very peaceful and beautiful here," I looked back up at him, "Is this place yours?"

"It is." His voice is deep and melodic. We come across a intricate, yet simple, stone bench. He motions to me to sit with him. I do, but I keep a respectful distance. I play with the skirt of my dress.

"Everything here holds beauty, but one of it compares to yours," he says and I turn away, blushing a deep red.

He laughed, "I have not caused anyone to blush in a very long time."

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