Himchan: Cooking Class

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Y/N: Nayoung


"Nayoung, you have to put the ketchup later. Not now," Himchan laughed as she tried to uncap the bottle of ketchup.

"You're not helping by mocking me," she sighed and continued to try to uncap the bottle.

"Here, hand me that," Himchan made a small smile and got the bottle from her hands, he opened it instantly as he twisted the cap, "There. Alright. Just put the rice and vegetables in the pan now."

"Can we not eat the broccolis?" Nayoung whined.

"You're still on diet, remember?"

"Eish, can't you be a supporting Boyfriend for once?"

"I'm supporting you by making sure you diet well. And why with the crankiness? Are you on your period?"

Nayoung shot him a glare as he raised his hands to surrender. She then sighed and pour the bowls of rice into the pan followed by the vegetables, before handing it over to Himchan to stir fry and then, she sighed, "I just thought it'll be better to have a Girlfriend who's able to cook and not you. And I also thought it'll be easy but apparently not."

Himchan chuckled lightly as he hugged her by her waist with his left hand and used his right arm to stir fry the rice and vegetables, "I told you it's alright. I took food and nutrition education previously so this is no biggy. My mom didn't know how to cook too. Well, even till now."

He pecked her cheek lightly and fixated his eyes on the pan.

"Should I go do the chores while you cook? I don't want to be lazing around."

Himchan lets out another hearty laugh, "It's fine. I already cleaned up the place when you were out. All you can do now is back hug me."

"Demanding," Nayoung rolled her eyes playfully but wrapped her slender arms around his waist anyway and laid her head on his back.

"I love it when we're like that," Himchan makes a satisfied sigh before plating he food nicely, "Alright, c'mon now. Dinner's ready."

Himchan swiftly caught her off her feet and gently placed her down on the wooden chair by the dining table.

He then waltzed into the room with two plates of Chinese fried rice.

"Enjoy your food, dear," he placed another kiss on her cheek before taking a seat opposite her.

"Gomawo, Himchan," Nayoung whispered as she finished her food.

"For the food? My pleasure."

"No, I mean for everything. From being the most caring Boyfriend, the best cook for a Boyfriend, the Boyfriend who keeps quiet even though I have mood swings every minute—"

Himchan cut her off with a long sincere kiss on her lips, "That's what I do to thank the gods for having you as my Girlfriend."

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