Talk #8

528 13 8

Yeri's P.O.V:

You've got a message from Moon Jongup

hey, do remember the date!
im coming at 3 (:
Sent 10.58am

Sent 10.59am

see you later yeri-ah
Sent 11.00am

I squealed and placed my phone beside me. Jongup can so easily charm me. Well, I feel guilty I fell for a boy so easily but his charms are just... irresistible.

I lightly slapped my cheek to wake myself up from my daze.

Oh no, what should I wear? I started panicking, rubbing my temples in frustration. Taeil came out of the bathroom, frowning as he caught me in such a state.

"Noona, have you really gone mad?" He raised his eyebrows sassily.

I placed my hands on my hips and raised my eyebrows, "Taeil, it's called stress, not madness."

"If you don't know what to wear, you should check your closet," he rolled his eyes, "I wonder how did you get a scholarship."

"Cha Taeil!" I screamed and locked him under my arms, definitely insulted by his comment but equally as amused.

He giggled, "Is Mathew hyung coming later?"

I nodded and made my way to my closet, "Be a good kid as his house, alright? You know his father has a booming temper."

"He's such a cranky old man."

"Where are you learning all these phrases from, oh my goodness!" I sighed exasperatedly.

"Moonbin hyung when he's angry at customers."


3rd Person POV:

Jongup fixed himself while staring in the mirror of the mansion, a desperate attempt to fix his messy hair he decided to let down. He didn't want to be late so he didn't waste time gelling his hair. He also remembered the fact that Yeri told him she liked boys when they have their hair in their natural state. She liked it the casual way just like he did, the extreme opposite of his ex Girlfriend who loved it bad boy. He wasn't like that, he didn't like it either.

He swiftly grabbed his keys and wallet, making his way to his car in front of the mansion.

"Where are you going?" His Father raised his eyebrows, surprised that his Son was dressed so nicely and going out of house on a fine Saturday afternoon.

"Out," Jongup simply replied and got onto his car, "To make someone else happy."

He pulled up in front of her flat's building. A run down apartment building of three storeys.

You've got a message from Moon Jongup

hey, im here, do i go up?
Sent 2.57pm

oh, you're fast!
Sent 2.58pm

sure, im still getting ready though!
Sent 2.59pm

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