Twelve Membered Group #5

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Title: Not Long After...


3rd Person POV:

"Wei! Is everything in the room okay?" Daehyun opened the door of the room he was sharing with Nicole.

She was not home yet and it was the 28th of June, her birthday. And his.

Good thing they still have a week before they have to return to Korea. Everything with TS has been fixed now. They're even already discussing a comeback at the end of the year! The group was certainly excited and were just talking about it the day before over Skype. The rest of the group was in Paris. While the couple, still spending some time in Nicole's home country. Yongguk suggested visiting them in Singapore but Daehyun wanted some alone time with his Girlfriend. Finally breaking the news to his group mates. They were all happy for the two.

Now, Daehyun had set up a surprise party for Nicole. Nicole was planning to do the same and asked Wei for help. Daehyun too. But the young one decided to betray his Sister and help her group mate instead.

Wei had beautifully set up the room was streamers and cleared her table of books and replaced them with pictures taken by Daehyun since debut. And those they took from their relationship before. And currently.

Wei had persuaded Nicole's primary school friends to take her out on a short meet up. To distract her.

"Yeah, Hyung," Wei looked up from the banners and towards Daehyun.

"Good! I'm done with the cheesecake! Does it look okay?" Daehyun held up the cheesecake he made himself in the air, extremely satisfied with his doings.

"Wah! Looks great!" Wei gaped and helped him place it on the table.

He clapped, "Now we just have to wait for Jie—"

"Daehyun-ah! Wei! I'm home!" They heard the main door click.

Their eyes widened and they quickly hid behind the table, waiting for Nicole to make her way to the room.

"Where are you guys?" They heard her mutter as the room's door clicked open.

"Surprise!" The two guys chorused and started singing 'Happy Birthday' from one of B.A.P's previous albums.

Nicole smiled at how cute of the sight of how close her Boyfriend and Brother are.

Daehyun walked over to her after that and gave her a quick peck on the cheek, "Happy Birthday, love."

"Happy birthday to you too!" She laughed and ruffled his hair, "I got you cheesecake!"

"I made you cheesecake!" Daehyun pointed to the cake he made.

"Geez, do you guys like each other of the cheesecake more?" Wei rolled his eyes and he help light up the candles, "I'll take a picture for you two."

The younger one got Daehyun's Polaroid camera on standby as the couple stood behind their 'respective' cakes, blowing out the candles together.

Daehyun got some whipped cream on his finger as he wiped the cream off on Wei's face.

"Hyung!" He whined and did the same.

Daehyun gaped and pretended to be angry, "Come here you!"

The two chased each other around the room as Nicole couldn't help but laugh out loud. Looking at how happy Daehyun and her Brother was more than anything she could ask for.


Back in Korea

"Are you mad?!" CEO Woo shouted and slammed the article on the table, making the two flinch.

"But Mr Woo, there isn't much hate on this, many people are actually supporting this relationship," Manager Kang replied for the two of them.

The CEO ruffled his hair in annoyance, "Don't you know how much this would affect the company?"

"TS doesn't deserve our respect if you did not respect us as a group in the first place," Daehyun suddenly shot back, "And if you keep caring about TS more than B.A.P, we won't hesitate to disband."

The CEO's eyes shot open, "Jung Daehyun, what did you say?"

"I said—" he got cut off as he felt Nic give his hand a light squeeze and signalled him to stop talking.

"CEO Woo-nim, I wish you can give both of us the respect and freedom we want. And further more, our dating contract is of three years. Which means, 26 January 2015. And it's already July of 2015. We get to choose now, don't we?" Nic smiled.

The CEO was speechless as he stared at the two. They were certainly unfazed. Their relationship had experienced so much. So their CEO definitely wasn't a big obstacle to overcome. And for him, Daehyun and Nic are such talented members of the group, along with the fact that their one of the two most popular members.

He finally sighed. It was impossible to 'defeat' these two, along side their manager he was absolutely good at his words, "Fine. As long as no serious trouble is stirred. I approve of this relationship. I'll write a reply to the publishing companies to explain. Thank you, you may go now."

The all heaved a sigh of relief and bowed to him and walked back to the practice room where the other members were pacing around nervously.

"Ottae?" So-in rushed up to them once she heard the door clicked. The other members had their heads snapped back at the same time.

"Approved!" Daehyun smiled.

"Bwo?" Yongguk blurted out.

"We're approved!" Daehyun exclaimed and slung his arm over Nic's shoulders. Sending her a proud smile at the same time.

He bent down and gave her a quick peck on the cheek.

"Aigoo... our '93 liners grow up so fast, let Himchan eomma give you a hug," Himchan cooed sacarstically and walked up to the two was arms spread open.

The two sent him a disgusted expression but all the twelve did a group hug instead.

"Wah... I'm so jealous~" Eunji chuckled.

"You have Junhong," her sisters winked.

The two maknaes looked down and blushed.

"Till when are you going to wait till, Junhong-ah?" Youngjae teased as he nudged the younger one.

"Not long," he boldly replied, making the two group go mad again.



Happy 20th birthday to our Genius Maknae Junhongie~~~

I can't believe he's an adult now ㅠㅠ

사랑해요 <3

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