Talk #7

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+ GUESS WHO ROSE FROM THE DEAD. just kidding. im returning to my coffin tomorrow. SAs are here. sigh.


You've got a message from Cha Yeri

hey uppie, ill meet you at the cafeteria
for lunch!
Sent 7.50am

are you not coming for classes?
Sent 7.51am

where are you?
Sent 8.15am

yah, cha yeri.
Sent 8.17am

sorry! i was at the clinic with taeil.
Sent 8.30am

im already heading back to school now,
don't worry (:
Sent 8.32am

oh, okay. what happened to taeil?
Sent 8.35am

and ive collected your materials from
math and history. your notes are with me.
Sent 8.37am

taeil's fine. just a slight fever.
Sent 9.45am

anyways, ill talk to you later. im
filling up some forms at the office now.
Sent 9.46am

alright. see you in class yeri. we're
having chemistry now. lab 4.
Sent 9.48am

coming !!
Sent 9.55am

"Didn't I tell you? Your blood count is getting really low, you should get a blood donation, Yeri-ah," the school's nurse nagged as Yeri placed her phone back on her bag.

"I'll get better. I've been taking iron supplements from the doctor," Yeri assured her with a smile.

"That's not a long term solution. You should really watch out. If Taeil didn't bring you to the hospital in time this morning, who would've known what could've happened?"

"I know, I know. I'll watch out for myself, don't worry."

The nurse sighed, "You're one hard headed one."

Yeri cheekily grinned.

"Anyways...unnie, please don't tell anyone of my condition."

"Waeyo? Wouldn't your friends worry?"

"I don't want them to, it's better if they treated me like they always do. I'm fine with it."

"Sure, that's no big favour. Anyways, time to head to class now. Come in next Monday again. Eat more spinach okay!"


"Cha Yeri," the nurse rolled her eyes at the childlike teen.

"Arraso, Unnie. Thanks again, bye!" She waved with her left hand before slipping out of the room to get her books before heading to class.

The nurse shook her head in amusement before looking back down at some documents. Why does such a nice child like her have to suffer like that?

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