Twelve Membered Group #3

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Title: Hiatus

3rd Person POV:

Time skip, June 2015

It's been about a year they've been on hiatus after the lawsuit against the TS. The whole group had been a state of stress. Especially the leaders, Yongguk and Nicole. The other members felt worried for them.

Everything felt so off. Previously, they were just on a world tour, visiting Singapore for their last LOE stop. After staying for a few days as a break, the news of the lawsuit broke out.

Everyone sat around the table in the dorm, eating breakfast silently again. It's been like that for some time already.

The two leaders sent each other pitiful glances. They didn't like the state of the group. It was horrendous.

Especially for the twins, triplets, Jongup and Junhong. They were the seven younger members. As leaders, they hated to seem them suffer. Everyone wanted to be on stage again. The feeling of being stuck in the dorm sucked.

Yongguk suddenly rose from his seats and got his iPad out, searching something online, "Let's go to London."

He suddenly blurted out, making some of the members choke on their food and drink.

"Bwo?" Daehyun and Youngjae chorused.

"For a holiday. For about a month. To get your mind off the lawsuit. You'll be better once we return. I promise. Anyone who doesn't want to go to London and have other suggestions?"

A hand rose, Nicole's.

"Can I go pay my parents a visit and stay in Singapore instead of London?"

"Of course. There's a flight... Tonight. Good! It's the same time as ours. Go pack up enough clothes. We'll leave in a few hours."

"Hyung, can I go with Nicole?"

Some people choked again, looking at the latter weirdly, "Bwo?"

"For safety," Daehyun replied.

Himchan rolled his eyes, "She's from Singapore. I think you need the 'safety' more than her."

The triplets snickered and giggled, teasing the leader.

"I like Singapore. I wanna' go there too, okay?" Daehyun rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. Just admit it's because of Nicole," Youngjae joined it.

"Geez. You guys are such kids," Yongguk sighed, "I'll buy the tickets. Go get ready. So only Nicole and Daehyun are going to Singapore, right?"

"Yeah, to have some alone time," So-in teased Nicole again.

Zelo whistled, gaining a smack on the forehead from Daehyun. 

"Weird kids."

"Yeah, like as if you aren't," Himchan rolled his eyes.

Nicole smiled, it was nice to see her members in he teasing mode again. And them smiling. She unknowingly smiled to herself.

Ever since the start of their lawsuit, they didn't foresee such a bad relationship among all the members. Everyone went home to stay with their family. Except for Nicole. She stayed back in the dorm. She couldn't possibly fly back to Singapore during a time like their hiatus. She felt so broken. Her members left her behind in the door. Till two months later, she heard a knock on the door. Daehyun came back. Telling her they should get the members back.

They promised each other they'll be side by side from the day of their debut to forever. And just a lawsuit against their company wasn't going to stop them from being the B.A.P. They went to each members' house, knocking on their doors and persuading them back to the dorm. Their relationship didn't improve quick but it started once Nicole made extra effort to make sure they spend enough time with one another.

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