Bodyguards #7: Lee

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3rd Person POV:

"We left you by the doorstep because there were assassins after our family. For your safety, we did that. Your Mother was pregnant with your Brother so it would be hard to escape with you and we had to make sure you were safe and in good hands. We caught the assassins sooner than expected and quickly set off back to Busan to look for you but we heard that you had moved out of Busan for some time, already. We've bee spending all the time looking for you and we can't believe we found you, today," Mr Lee explained as everyone gathered around the dinner table in the Han mansion.

The Lees were here and the Hans too. The boys were just there to listen, confused about the situation, as much as Imjae herself was.

"I'm so sorry it took us such a long time to find our Daughter. It must've been hard for you. What can we do to repay you?" Mrs Lee smiled apologetically at the Han family.

Mr Han looked at them, "There's no need to repay us. We've always seen Imjae as our own Daughter and we're pleased to know that we brought her up to become such a graceful and elegant young lady—"

"Not so graceful when it comes to fighting," Sanghyuk teased, gaining a glare from her.

"But... now that you've found me... what are you doing to do?" Imjae asked.

"Of course, bring you back home! With us!" Taeyong clapped.

Youngjae who was drinking water choked on his drink and the rest did too on their saliva, "What?!" They chorused.

"Waeyo? Don't you want to live with us, noona?" Taeyong asked, disappointed.

Imjae blinked, "I would obviously love to move in with you guys but..." she looked around the table and at everyone seated around the table, "But I'll be leaving my friends behind."

Her parents chuckled, "That's no big problem. We can just move next door. You'll still see each other Everyday!"

"Really?" Her eyes twinkled.

"Definitely! They can come whenever they please. And the Han family too. We really feel really bad for not doing anything in return... so please, just name anything you would want in return," Mr Lee pleaded.

Mr Han fiddled with his fingers as he finally decided, "Since you're taking Imjae back as a family member... can you still let her remain as a member of the force? She grew up with the force. It won't be the same without her."

"If that's what she would want, of course, we gladly will!" Mrs Lee gave them a sincere smile.

"Jinjja?!" Imjae gaped.


"Noona! Can I go out with Sanghyuk?" Taeyang asked as he peeped into her room.

Imjae had already moved in with her new family, settling down rather well because of the hearty attitudes of everyone in the house, including the maids and servants.

She wasn't comfortable with them doing things for her so only allowed them to pack her room for her. She wanted to do things herself. Her parents also allowed her to design her own room again. It was like a full apartment itself. It was humongous. But she did slightly miss the old cozy one in the Han's.

"Sure! I'll go with you. I haven't seen the boys in a couple of days," she smiled as she smiled on a simple pastel pink sweater and black jeans.

As promised, they still live side by side and her parents are really close to the Hans. The boys text and Skype her every night even though they can see each other through their windows.

Youngjae however locks himself in his room after the failed attempt to talk to her. She feels bad for shutting him out but she doesn't have the confidence to approach him first.

Ding dong

They pressed the doorbell of the mansion next door, Taeyang rambling non stop about how nice he found Sanghyuk to be. They're of the same age and now Imjae has two brothers of the same age.

"Oh, you're here," someone greeted from the door, making them snap their heads towards the owner of the voice.


"Oh! Annyeong, Youngjae Hyung!" Taeyang chirped. For a sixteen year old, he acted like he was six. But Imjae found it cute behind the cold look of his.

"Hello," Youngjae smiled at him, turning over to Imjae, "Hey."

She awkwardly bowed, "Hey."

Youngjae moved to the side to let the two in, then to hear the six other boys running down the stairs violently to greet the siblings.

They were preparing to spend the night with their friends, with the courtesy of Sanghyuk willing to share his room with Taeyong. Imjae would use her old room.

The boys were currently watching a movie in the basement and playing some games so Imjae decided to walk out, to the balcony where she used to spend most her time at. It felt so new again.

She slid the elastic band off her pony tail, making her wavy hair flow loosely down. Then retying it into a loose French braid. With some hair enthusiasts as her maids, she became good friends with them and learnt a couple of cute girly hairstyles she surprisingly seemed to fall in love with.

She then felt someone take a seat beside her and hand her a cup, the smell of caramel overflowing.

"Here," his soft soothing voice rung in her ears again.

She smiled and stared into his warm brown orbs, taking the cup from his hands before whispering a soft 'Thank you'.

"How have you been?" He asked as he looked over to her, sipping on his coffee.

She sighed in satisfaction, "Pretty good if I had to be honest."

He nodded as a reply, the cold silent air filling up the space between them.

"I'm sorry," they chorused, making them look at each other in surprise.

Then, breaking out into laughter.

"I'm sorry for being such a jerk," Youngjae sighed as he looked down to the floor.

She shook her head and lifted him up by his chin, making him face her, "Don't be... I'm sorry I didn't let you into the building to save your Sister... I—"

Youngjae cut her off swiftly by attaching his lips to hers, making her jolt up in surprise, he placed all his feelings to it, hoping to get this message to her. Being Lee Imjae, she felt her whole body tense up because of the shock but relaxed and found herself kissing back.

He pulled away and smiled at her, "Don't be sorry. I'm thankful."

She blushed and looked to the ground, embarrassed of what just happened.

"Lee Imjae... it's been a year after working together with you and it has been the best year of my life," he confessed, "Can you make me the happiest man alive by being my Girlfriend?"

She snapped her head up, staring at him in shock.

"I'm serious," he stared into her eyes.

She cupped his cheeks and pulled him closer to herself before replying, "I'd love to."

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