Talk #3

220 15 9

You've got a message from unknown

Good morning Uppie~
Read 6.30am

Sorry I didn't have the ingredients to make milk tea today so I made iced tea instead. 😅
Read 6.30am

I hope it's okay! 😁
Read 6.31am

Anyways, I'll see you in class later. 😚
Read 6.32am

who is this?
Sent 6.35am

Holy raining shitzzles did you just reply me?
Read 6.35am

yeah. So, u are?
Sent 6.35am

Read 6.36am

I have a phone to receive messages for a reason.
Sent 6.36am

So...u are?
Sent 6.36am

Oh haha. You don't need to know me ;))
Read 6.37am

Moon Jongup has logged off

Yeri gapped in surprise as Jongup replied her. It's working! She squealed. Phase one accomplished!

Giggling to herself giddily, she placed the cup of ice tea on his table with the same light blue post-it with an encouraging note on it.


She looked around class, no one was in school yet since it doesn't start till another hour. She huffed and got out of the classroom again, walking home.

Knocking on the second door to the right of the small apartment, she lightly shook the small body of the seven-year-old awake.

"Taeil-ah, it's time to go the café," she smiled as she pulled him up.

"Mornin', noona," he yawned as he stretched, automatically getting up from the mattress he shared with his Sister.

"Is Mathew-Hyung going to be there?" The younger one asked as he came out of the shower with fresh clothes on.

His Sister looked up from the bread she was preparing and shook her head in reply, "Mathew Hyung is busy today. Moonbin Hyung will be there okay?"

The seven-year-old child pouted in disappointment.

Yeri laughed as she placed the simple tuna sandwich in front of him on the small wooden dining table, "Wae? You don't like Moonbin Hyung?"

His eyes widened in surprise, "Ani! It's just that Moonbin Hyung is always busy with people at the café and there's no one to play with it and I don't go to school too!"

Yeri's smile faded as she bent down to be on the same eye level as him, "I promise, I'll find a school for you as soon as possible, okay? I'm sorry."

He smiled sadly, "Gwenchana, noona! Mathew Hyung gave me his old books. I will just use them till you find a school for me!"

Yeri chuckled in a disappointed tone as she stroked his hair lightly, "Just wait a little longer. Noona will work harder for you."

The eighteen-year-old female walked back to the small kitchen and cleared the dishes from last night she wasn't able to clean because she was so tired from work.

Staring at the family picture taken five years ago, she grazed her fingers over the image of her parents.

If only you guys were still here...

Her parents were involved in a serious plane crash when returning from a business trip in Japan, both their lives were lost instantly.

The two kids then, she only thirteen, Taeil two, was left to their Uncle.

But he decided to leave the two kids behind in a small apartment and sold their old mansion, stealing all other pricy possessions left, then running away, never to be heard of again.

Yeri didn't let that become an obstacle for her. She remained strong and took on many jobs at once. Now, she settle down as part time waitress and barrister at a popular cozy little café down two streets. She then had full day of work on the weekends.

Getting a scholarship meant she had to dedicate more time to school, thus leaving her Brother all by himself. She couldn't let that be. Therefore getting help from her coworker Moonbin to take care of him while she was at school.

If only life were easier on her. If only there was someone to share that burden with her.


She quicken her pace to class and quickly got ready, two minutes till lessons began. She placed all her books under her table, her water bottle on the right side of the table, her two pencil cases in front of her and she adjusted her uniform, trying to catch her breath from rushing to school.

Taeil suddenly didn't feel well and she had to rush to the pharmacy for him.

"Woah, you okay? You look pale," Junhong asked, concerned.

Sha flashed him a smile, "Of course I am. Don't worry."

"Ms Cha," her homeroom teacher stepped in and called.

"Yes, Miss," Yeri stood up from her seat and walked forward.

"You're wanted at the office," the teacher smiled politely, "Join the class once you're done okay?"

Yeri sighed and nodded, "Yes, Miss Soo."

She trudged to the office and sat down in her usual chair in the clinic, waiting for the nurse.

"Good morning Yeri. Nice try skipping your checkup today," the nurse teased, "Give me your left arm."

Yeri pouted and pull the sleeves of her hoodie upwards, signalling the school nurse to start drawing her blood.

"How long more must I continue to do this?" Yeri questioned.

The nurse looked up from her arm and grinned, "Once your blood count is back to the healthy level. Which probably won't be anytime soon if you keep overworking yourself."

"I have no choice."

"You do."

"But I need to support my Brother and I."

The nurse drew her blood and put a cute plaster on her arm then rolled down Yeri's sleeves before replying, "The school is here for you. Don't worry too much alright? It's not healthy at the rate your blood count is decreasing."

"I'll get better," Yeri assured, "Hopefully."

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