Bodyguards #4 : Off Duty Pt.2

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3rd Person POV:

"Goodnight, Youngji-ah," Youngjae cooed as he tucked his little sister in bed, kissing her hair lightly at the same time.

"Goodnight, oppa, thanks for today again," the little one smiled before making herself comfortable.

Imjae who just washed up stood by the door, watching Youngjae as he sat by his sister's bed, watching her fall asleep. She never really understood what love in within a family was. Maybe because she always spent so much time on duty and practicing her martial arts, she neglected her family. The Han family isn't her blood related family but, they still brought her up anyways, she should appreciate them.

"You okay there?" Youngjae's voice snapper her out of her daze.

"M-Me? Of course, why wouldn't I?" she smiled.

She walked into the room she's using, also known as Youngjae's room. There aren't any guest rooms since everyone in the family has a room each to themselves.

The fancy sofas were to small for Youngjae to sleep on so he would be sleeping on the floor.

They slipped into more comfortable clothing as they sat on his bed, staring the floor. The silence that enveloped them was somehow peaceful, not awkward.

Suddenly, she felt his hand on hers, "Come, I'll bring you somewhere, take something with you to do."

He walked out of the room and into the kitchen, making two cups of hot chocolate.

Imjae stared weirdly at him, kind of unable to understand what he said but took some things with her after all.

He took the two cups in his hands and threw two hoodies from his closet over his shoulder, walking out of the house and down the corridor to a narrow staircase leading to the rooftop of the flat.

"Woah, I only thought this kind of places in storybooks," Imjae gaped as Youngjae opened the door to the open space on the top floor.

"It's pretty, right?" he smiled at her as he walked over to the sofa beside the platform of the rooftop and took a seat.

"Yeah, pretty chilly too," she laughed as she walked over to him.

His eye smile appeared again as he pulled her down to sit down beside him, "Here," he said as he passed her the white hoodie he had on his shoulder, pulling the black one he had over himself too.

His eye smile appeared again as he pulled her down to sit down beside him, "Here," he said as he passed her the white hoodie he had on his shoulder, pulling the black one he had over himself too

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"What's this place though?" she asked as she nuzzled herself in the oversized hoodie, it was somehow very comfortable. She didn't know Youngjae's hoodies would be this comfortable.

His cheeky grin faded into a sad smile as he look back down to the wooden table. He sighed as he pulled the drawer, taking out a faded picture from it. His family portrait.

But one person she hasn't met... his mom.

"My mom made a rooftop like this in our previous house. But when it got burnt down, everything was gone. Her, the rooftop where she told me what I should do to be a good person in life, the memories I share with my mom, everything, was gone. I can't forget her. Especially since she died in my arms on the way to the hospital. So I made the exact same rooftop that she made! Of course the one my mom made was much nicer than this but...  this is the most I was able to make..."

"I'm sure she's proud of who you are today," Imjae held onto his hand lightly.

"Really?" he asked in a whisper, trying to control his emotions.

His mom has always been a sensitive topic to him, sadness and depression easily takes over him when she is mentioned.

But something felt different with Imjae around, it was like as if she filled up that empty space that had always been his heart for the past few years.

She nodded and gave him her signature smile, making a smile instantly appear on his face.

"I brought something to do," she smiled as she reached into her small drawstring bag with cute emoticons.

"I brought something to do," she smiled as she reached into her small drawstring bag with cute emoticons

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"Paper stars?" he questioned, brows knitting together.

"Mhmm, I used to believe that I'll meet my blood related family once I fill up 100 bottles of paper stars but as I grew up, I knew it would never happen so I gave up. But apparently, folding paper stars is a great time to pass time so I continued," she started folding, Youngjae watching closely as she swiftly made one placing it into jar once she was completed.

"How many jars have you filled up- WOAH HOW DID YOU FOLD THAT?" he gaped in surprise.

"A couple over a hundred jars and c'mon, I'll teach you," she handed him a strip of folding paper, going through the steps with him slowly and in a detailed manner.

She giggled as he ruffled his hair in frustration after failing the sixth one, "Just relax! You'll never be able to do it, stressed."

He sighed and tried again, finally folding a weird looking but acceptable star, "I did it! "

She smiled as she nodded, "Well done!"

He grinned like a little kid, continuing to fold the stars with her.

Time slowly passed as Youngjae's head felt heavier, finally placing it on the table, he let sleep take over him.

Imjae ran down to the flat again and got a warm and thick blanket, placing it over his shoulders as she sat on the sofa beside the table, watching Youngjae as she continued to fold the paper stars.

I wonder if this is sudden but maybe I like you too, Yoo Youngjae.

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