Jongup: Teachers

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Y/N: Jae Kim


"Yeah, Jae and Jongup, you guys can perform something together."

Jae looked up from the worksheets she was marking and raised her eyebrows at the principal, "H-Huh?"

"I said, you and Jongup will perform something together for the Teachers' Day school concert the coming Wednesday. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Ms Ho," Jongup answered from the other table and sent a blank gaze over to Jae who returned him a shy smile.

She looked back to her worksheets and burried her face in her hands, "Great. I'm performing with my all time crush," she remarked sacarstically to herself.


Jae's POV:

"Ugh, why is this so heavy," I groaned as I was trying to climb to the fourth floor where my next class was, with a pile of papers, my students' new topic.

Then, a pair of arms scooped them off my hands, "Here I'll get that for you."

I only looked up to see Jongup— I mean Mr M. ( What everyone calls him ), holding onto his pile of worksheets and mine.

"Omo! Thank you, is that too heavy for you? I can take it instead—"

"I'm a guy, it's fine," he chuckled.

I rarely see him chuckle. He's a really quiet guy and he rarely talks. Unless it's about school. I heard from his students that he's very bright during lessons but if they were to get on his nerves, it's no joke.

Well, for me, hi, I'm Jae Kim. A normal English teacher at a Neighbourhood high school in South Korea. I'm usually known as Miss Jae. My form class is the senior class S-2B of 40. 20 girls and 20 boys. They're all lovely students and I adore each and everyone one of them.

For Jongup, as I have said, more commonly known as Mr. M, is a Physical Education teacher. His form class is the one right next to mine, S-2A. Also consisting of the same number of students. I teach that class English too. They're pretty bubbly.

Jongup helped carry my worksheets into the class, only to get curious stares from my students. Then, the class president stood up from her seat, "Greeting!"

The class looked confused again but stood up anyways, "Good morning Mr—"

Jongup looked at them and signalled them to sit down, "I was just helping Miss Jae, no need for greetings. But good morning to you all too," he bowed and walked towards his classroom next door.

Just as he was outside, my students just started cooing.

I rolled my eyes, "Goodness, what's going on now?"

"Miss Jae, you didn't tell us you were with Mr.M!"

"No Somi. We are not together."

"Then can I?"

"No Eunwoo."

The class laughed as I shook my head amusement.

3rd Person POV:

The least she knew, Jongup heard it all.

You'll be mine soon he chuckled to himself.


School went on as usual for that day and Jae followed her class for their physical education lessons since she heard their usual PE teacher was on medical leave.

She sat down on the bleachers with some worksheets in her hands and just watched her students assemble in front of Badminton court in front of her.

Then, they heard some footsteps jogging towards them, only to see Jongup jogging with a clipboard to them.

Some students looked over to Jae, who was trying to hide her blushing face but clearing her throat and look else where.

"Hey kids," Jongup smiled, "Sorry I'm late. I had some documents to fill up. I'm taking over for the next month as Mr Jerry has personal commitments. I hope you all have a good time under me."

"Did the school assign you to our class or..." One of the boys raised his hands and Jae looked at him weirdly, "Or... You wanted to because Miss Jae is here?"

The class 'Ooh~' and switched their gazes over to Jae.

She rolled her eyes and face palmed, "Kids, just proceed with your lesson. This isn't important."

"U-Uh, y-yeah. Get into pairs. We'll be doing Badminton today. A boy and a girl," Jongup cleared his throat awkwardly.

The students shuffled to get into pairs and sat down quietly, waiting for instructions.

"We'll start off with lobbing. It's basically, just a high and far shuttle. I'll get Miss Jae to demonstrate," Jongup smiled over to her. She pointed at herself in confusion.

He chuckled and nodded, "Yeah. You were in your school's Badminton team weren't you?"

"Uh... Yeah..."

"Go Miss Jae!" Some students cheered as she shyly walked up to Jongup and stood in the court opposite his.

"Woah, Mr.M sure is updated about Miss Jae," one of the students snickered and made some of her friends giggle.

He picked up two rackets and passed one to her, leaning over to her, "Hey, go easy on me okay?"

She chuckled and nodded, "I'll try."

"Students, do you all want to see a Badminton match by Miss Jae?" Jongup asked the class innocently.

She gaped and looked at him in disbelief.

"Yes!" "Yay!" "Woohoo~"

Jongup looked over to her and grinned like an innocent child, winking to her too.

She rolled her eyes playfully and just shrugged, "Let's start?"

She smirked as she was leading, especially with her students cheering her on so enthusiastically. Her tapping, lifting, lobbing, service and smashing scared her students but they were certainly also really excited to see such a different side of their English teacher.

So far, it was 20-9.

"Soh!" She exclaimed as she got the winning point.

Her class broke out in cheers, gaining some weird stares from other classes who were walking past the gym.

"Good game," he stuck out his hand for a handshake.

"Good game," she smiled and shook his hand lightly.

"Maybe we can play another game," he suggested.

"Oh I'm already tired—"

"I mean a game of two, the two of us can play," he smirked.

"What game?" She asked curiously but got her class ready to head back since PE lesson was over. 

"Come to the gym after school to find out," he winked at her and leaned over to her, "It'll be fun."

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