Talk #4

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+ A/N thank you guys for 4K reads and 171 votes! ❤️️


Taeil insisted on going down to the café earlier that day since he was told his Favourite Mathew Hyung would be there. So Yeri decided to go to school after sending him there.

She got her books from her locker and strolled to class, with the usual cup of milk tea for Jongup in her hands. Since it was a rainy morning, she was shivering slightly from the cold, so she thought Jongup would feel cold too, therefore deciding to make a warm cup of milk tea instead.

She stepped into the classroom and arranged her things neatly again, then placing the cup on his table. Just before she could, a hand grabbed her wrist violently, making her winch in pain, "Oh my!"

"What are you doing," the deep voice hissed as he pulled his black hood off his head, revealing his dark blue hair.

"M-Moon Jongup-ssi," she stuttered nervously.

Her eyes widened as she quickly placed the cup down and rushed out the classroom, to the ladies.

Catching her breath, she washed her face, mumbling to herself, 'Did he just talk?'

She stayed in there for a couple of minutes to calm herself before going out again. Just as she walked out of the washroom, she jumped in shock again as she knocked right into his chest.

His face held an emotionless expression as his brown eyes bored into hers. Without exchanging any words, he pulled her by her wrist to the school's rooftop, his favourite place in the school where no one bothers him.

Just as they got to the rooftop, he finally let go of her wrist and she groaned in pain as she rubbed her wrist. Darn, does he use a lot of strength.

"Why do you do that?"

She raised her eyebrows, trying to comprehend the fact that he was talking to her, "Uh...t-that...I..." she stuttered but she stopped when he shot her a cold glare.

"I... just felt like it."

He opened his mouth to reply but he closed it and turned around, making his way downstairs to the classroom again.

You've got a message from Cha Yeri

woah! you saved my number :))
Sent 8.48pm

I don't like numbers.
Sent 8.49pm

well that's ironic. you're the best
at math in our class.
Sent 8.50pm

stop getting me tea.
Sent 8.50pm

it's just a gift.
Sent 8.50pm

it's nothing, really.
Sent 8.51pm

Moon Jongup blocked Cha Yeri for 24 hours

oh thanks for the nice thank you
Sent 8.53pm

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