Himchan: 18

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Y/N: Sky Lee


"I'm gonna grow up and propose to you!" The five-year-old Kim Himchan said proudly as he held the sunflower in his hands tightly.

"Pabo," The four-year-old Sky laughed and hit him playfully.

"I'm serious!" He pouted.

Sky giggled as she took the sunflower in her hand, "Gomawo, oppa," she leaned to the side and pecked his cheek lightly.

He blushed as he smiled shyly at her.

"Yah, Sky, get out of my way," Himchan shoved her aside as he 'took over' her queue in the school's cafeteria.

She looked at him with eyes filled with sadness as he returned her a loathsome smirk and he rolled his eyes, looking away from her, exchanging fist bumps with his gang.

'Of course, expected of the kingka,' she muttered to herself and walked away.

What has gotten into you, Kim Himchan? Weren't we best friends?

Himchan started bullying Sky ever since he became one of the most popular kid in their college. She lost all her friends, and her best friend— him.

He became someone she which she never knew. His warm sunny smiles turned into cocky smirks. His helping hand became one that pulls her hair, pushes her around. He, her Best Friend, was gone.

Proposing to her? She rolled her eyes at the thought, 'That was 14 years ago'.

He became the kingka who played with every girls' heart. They were his toys and decorations to place on his arm at parties.

"Hey, you okay?" Yongguk placed a hand on her shoulder, "You look disturbed."

"I'm fine," she flashes a smile, "You're coming to my birthday party this Sunday, right?" She asked with a hopeful smile.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be at my best friend's 18th birthday party?" He gave her his famous gummy smile. He took over Himchan as her Best Friend ever since the bullying started. Even though he and Himchan are great friends, he hated the fact of Himchan bullying her.

Sky's heart thumped wildly, it wasn't that she had feelings for Yongguk. It's just that Yongguk resembles Himchan so much. And her feelings, belongs to her bully, Kim Himchan.


"You look great!" Her Best Friend from high school squealed as she came through the door.

It was her birthday, her 18th birthday party.

Sky twirled and stroke a dramatic pose, making Wheein giggle.

Sky looked into the mirror and scanned herself.

A pale lavender dress hugged onto her. It wasn't too tight nor too lose, it was perfect. And hopefully this party would be nice too. Her heels are her first ever pair of heels and they were pretty tall. It was white. Her hair was styled by her Cousin Hwasa. Her Long hair was now done instead of a ponytail and there were small flowers placed nicely in her hair. Probably the rare times when she makes effort to look nice.

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