Talk #6

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"Moon Jongup, you come back here right now," his Father demanded.

Jongup rolled his eyes and shook his head, "No. I'm going now."

The older male glared as his Son got on his motorcycle and sped down the road to god knows where. He sighed and plopped down on the pricy leather sofa.

As much as he knew that it was his own fault for cheating on Jongup's biological mother, he didn't expect his Son to hate him to this extent which was to act like they didn't even know each other.

He was proud of Jongup, really. He's a talented and smart young man but after his Father cheated on his Mother and his ex-Girlfriend cheated on him, he found the outside world to be such a cold and scary place.

Jongup was afraid. Really afraid. He was too afraid to face the other side world again, alone. He didn't want to be hurt thrice.

He shut the windows to the outside world and constantly busied himself with school work. He didn't want to deal with his father's business nor start a love live again.

He hated the lies. The lies his Father told his Mother. The lies his ex told him.

He hated people being late. How late his Father got home every night. How late his ex was from seeing another guy every time before their dates.

Most of all, he hated being used. He hated the feeling of being a puppet, controlled by people before being thrown aside. He didn't want to go through that horrible feeling again. Therefore, his solution was to close his doors from the outside world. Never wanting to get associated with anyone no more.

Little did he realise, he was already starting to open up to someone new. Someone, who could help him get over his dark, dark past.

You've got a message from Cha Yeri

hey. are you coming soon? my shift just ended. 🤗
Sent 6.58pm

yeah. im pulling up now.
Sent 6.59pm

gr888. see you!! 😚
Sent 7.00pm

Yeri smiled in satisfaction and placed her phone on her table, stretching herself before Jongup came in. The commotion in the cafe had died down a bit after dinner but there were still a couple of customers with their boy or girl friends on a simple Friday date at the café.

"Noona," Taeil yawned as he dragged his feet over to her.

"Nae, Taeil? Are you tired? I'm so sorry. It won't take long. Go take a nap in the office for the next two hours. I'll wake you up when I'm done, alright?"

Taeil was evidently tired from his non stop yawning but he knew his sister's studies came first in order to keep her scholarship.

"Okay..." he flashed her a small smile as he took small steps to the office to take a short nap.

The bell at the front door then made a jingle as Jongup appeared.

Yeri looked up from her math notes , seeing Jongup slip into the seat in front of her.

"Sorry I'm late. Something at home happened," he sighed and ruffled his hair.

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