Bodyguards #3: Off Duty

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A/N: I am so sorry! There was an error with the previous upload of this chapter. I was able to retrieve my completed chapter so, phew! Anyways, countdown... three more days till #26 November With BAP

In case any of you aren't aware, it's because

26 November 2014: Day news of lawsuit got released

26 November 2015: First win with Young, Wild & Free after hiatus

26 November 2016: All BABYz to trend on social media! It's a special date to us BABYz...

Please do participate too~~~

xoxo, author-nim


3rd Person POV:

Youngjae shot up his bed as he heard someone knock the door of his room.

Annoyed, he groaned and pulled the door opened violently, but his eyes widened at what he saw, Imjae... not in her uniform.

"Are you mad, Lee Imjae? It's four in the morning and aren't you supposed to be sleeping or in your uniform for duty?"

"Are you mad, Lee Imjae? It's four in the morning and aren't you supposed to be sleeping or in your uniform for duty?"

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Imjae rolled her eyes and adjusted the sleeves of her flannel, "Get ready. We're going to visit your family."

"Haha...funny," he replied with a tone filled with sacarsm.

Imjae rolled her eyes again, "I'm serious. I talked to my father and he said we're given four days off and we can visit your family."

Youngjae stopped laughing as he looked at her with a flat expression, "Are you being serious right now?"

"Yes, you idiot. Now hurry up and get ready four days worth of clothes. We're going by car and I hate the traffic."

"Oh my god, okay, okay, I'll go get ready," he jumped before shutting the door of his room shut, throwing all the clothes he could find into a luggage.

Simply matching the clothes he found on the top of the pile too before rushing out the front door to see Imjae placing a luggage into the trunk of a car.

"Geez, it's weird seeing you wearing something besides your uniform," they chorused.

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