Twelve Membered Group #7

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Title: LOE's Last Stop!

3rd Person POV:

"BABYz~~~" Youngjae cooed and panted as B.A.P calmed down and started drinking from their water bottles, trying to cool themselves down from the vigorous dance.


"This is going to be the last song we're performing today~" Zelo pouted.

"Shit!" Daehyun swore, earning laughs from the fans.

"Anyways," Nic rolled her eyes playfully, "We're performing 'With You' and we want all of you to sing along! Okay?"


"Loud and clear?" Daehyun held out his mic to the fans.


"With you, with You," Youngjae started.

"With you, with You," the fans continued.

"With you, with you," the twins chorused.

"With you, with you, my baby," the fans cheered loudly as the actual intro started.

[Video Credits to 비닐라라떼 | YouTube]

The group started walking to different areas of the stage, making eye contact with the fans and getting them to sing along happily. Nic walked up to the very center and front of the stage as she waved at several fans.

At the chorus, the group sang together with the fans, it just felt so magical.

"Everything means nothing if I ain't got you," Nic raped to her part but a lump got stuck in a throat as she looked at the fans apologetically.

"Ooh..." The fans cooed and chanted, "Uljima! Uljima!"

Nic waved her fans and shook her head, placing a finger on her lips to get the fans to stop as she chuckled, a forced chuckle.

The ending of the song came and Daehyun stood beside her, suddenly making a high note, getting Nic startled, his note went higher as he shut his eyes, singing passionately.

Nic stared at him, her eyes getting watery again.

'I'm sorry B.A.P, I'm sorry BABYz.'

"Yah unnie, are you crying?" The triplets walked up to her as Eunji ruffled their leader's hair.

"Aye~" Daehyun cooed and slung his arm over her shoulder, pulling her close to him.

Her silent tears became sobs as she cried into his shirt.

"This is my first time seeing Unnie cry," Sohye pouted and pat her back, the rest of B.A.P crowding around her as the fans screamed at the contact Daehyun and Nic was making.

"Nicole, is something wrong?"Yongguk asked sincerely as he pat her back lightly too.

The whole of B.A.P was confused, why is Nic crying all of a sudden? She never cried at their first win, when she got burnt by the fireworks during her debut stage, when she twisted her ankle on the slippery stage Nor when there were a hundred and one bashful comments about the scandal.

They got worried and all did a group hug, urgently wanting her to calm down.

"Gwenchana?" Daehyun whispered to her.

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