Twelve Membered Group #8

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Title: Last, once

3rd Person POV:

The group was given the week off after their concert and would only resume schedules and such after the week. But they do have a performance at an awards ceremony to perform as a special stage.

The members had all went out. The twins and triplets decided to go shopping with Zelo and Youngjae. Yongguk and Himchan were at the company building, working on their single album while Jongup did the dance. Daehyun and Nic were just lazing around in their dorm.

Daehyun laid down on the sofa, arms and legs hanging on the edges of the sofa.

Nic had locked herself in the room she shared with the twins, working on some paperwork.

Message for leaving B.A.P

Then, a knock on her door was heard. She got startled and quickly hid the piece of paper under her pillow, wiping the tears from her eyes away harshly.

"Jagi? Are you okay?" Daehyun appeared by the door with a smile.

"Oh, Daehyun," she said monotonously, "Let's go to the rooftop. We need to talk."

Daehyun shrugged, completely unaware of what was going to happen.

She pulled a black hoodie over herself because of the chilly evening and Daehyun followed suit with a red one.

She slipped on her black sneakers and opened the wooden door.

Daehyun followed behind her as he wore his vans, 'What's going on with her?' He asked himself quietly, worried about the glum look on her face.

They got seated in the tent at the rooftop and no words were exchanged.

Daehyun looked at her, her gaze fixated on the pillows that laid on the floor.

"Jagi," he pouted cutely, "Waeyo~" he whined and lunged a hug on her, making her land on her back.

"Daehyun, get off me," she said and pushed him off her herself harshly, "Let's end this."

Daehyun's cheeky grin faded away as he eyes widened, "End what?"

She rolled her eyes, in attempt to prevent her tears from spilling, "Daehyun you know exactly what I'm talking about."

"No I don't. What's wrong?" He held her hands softly.

She withdrew her hands, "Our relationship. Nothing's gonna' work out, trust me. Let's just move on."

"Nicole, we're doing just fine," he frowned.

"No we're not," her breathing started to get heavier, "We're ending this whether you like it or not."

Daehyun was taken aback as he stared at her, not believing whatever she had just said. It was all too sudden for him to realise.

"This is some prank, right?" He caught her by her wrist before she could even leave.

"No. I'm being serious," she said without any facial expressions.

"This isn't funny—"

"I already said it isn't!" She finally shouted, letting out the loud voice she kept in. She shook his hand off and stomped her way towards the door leading to the ground floor.

He quickly stood up, pulling her right into his chest, she felt something dampening her shirt, "Nicole... I can't live without you..." He cried onto her shoulder, pulling her closer to him as he sniffed, "Don't go..."

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