Talk #1

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You've got a text from unknown

Jongup raised his eyebrows and swiped his screen to the side to reveal the message

Annyeong Jonguppie~~
Read 7.46am

Why won't you reply me?
Read 7.47am

Am I typing too fast?
Read 7.47am

Red 7.47am

Read 7.48am

Oh well. I placed your milk tea on your desk already! Enjoy it well okay? :))
Read 7.50am

See you in class later Jongup-ah~
Read 7.50am

He frowned, this weird kid again. He has no idea who he or she is but with the random cup of milk tea and post it note that lies on his table every morning creeps him out.

He has a feeling it's a girl because from her handwriting. It's different others. The letter, ㅇ, is always replaced with a heart. And she had the type of cute handwriting.

He feels loved for once but he's still creeped out.

Oh well, enough of his ill feelings against this person.

Meet Moon Jongup, a fellow senior at a college. He's a rather introverted person. But to the extent that he never talks to anyone. The teacher doesn't even get him to answer questions nor has he ever talked to the Teachers at all. His classmates too.

He excludes himself from everyone, even during group project works, he does it alone. He doesn't even turn up for level adventure camps. And to no surprise, he doesn't fail a single subject, he scores fantastic As on ever paper.

Seriously, what was with this kid?

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