Daehyun: Sick Day

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Y/N: Chaekyung


"You look like you're on your deathbed," Daehyun joked as he brought the medicine Chaekyung needed to the dressing table on the side of her bed.

She narrowed her eyebrows at him and glared, "If you're going to tease me all day, you can leave. The door's right there."

"Aye~ I can't leave my dying girlfriend alone."

Chaekyung rolled her eyes before letting out another cough.

"Here's your medicine princess," Daehyun finally said nicely and passed the tablets to her.

"How rare to see you nice," she said again as she swallowed the tablets.

"Are you sure you're sick or you're on your period?"

"Jung Daehyun! Aish, ouch my throat."

He chuckled, "Alright, alright, I'm sorry, babe," he stroked her hair lightly and placed her back on the bed lightly.

Chaekyung shook her head to the sides in amusement as she looked into his eyes.

"Something on my face?" Daehyun cut the moment.

She shook her head again, "Just really thankful to have you."

"Of course," he whipped his head to get his band to the side.

Her smile turned into a frown, "Ego."

"Alright, I'm just kidding. I love you, don't be mad anymore."

A knock on the door was heard and a head popped in.

"You guys aren't doing anything funny right?" A deep voice said from outside.

"You're just thinking weird again, Yongguk oppa," Chaekyung coughed as she managed to say.

Yongguk rolled his eyes and passed Daehyun a bucket of water and towel, "I'm sure you'll take care of her for now. I have some documents to complete at appa's office so take care of this dying girl and I'll be back. Don't do anything funny to her. I'm watching."

Daehyun laughed nervously and nodded, "Nae, Hyung."

Yongguk made a small smile before exiting the room.

"Well, seems like your Brother finally excepted me," Daehyun made a satisfied smile and squeezed the wet towel dry.

"He never hated you."

"He was just watching me, I guess. He's such a protective Brother to you," Daehyun folded the towel and placed it on Chaekyung's forehead.

"Yeah. Unlike you. You bully your little brother. Poor Youngjae."

"He deserves it. But I'm a protective Boyfriend aren't I?"

She finally made a light chuckle before sneezing, "Can you get me another blanket from the closet? It's freezing here."

Daehyun didn't head to the closet but slipped under the bed sheets and wrapped his arms around her waist, "Better?"

Blood rushed to her cheeks and she buried her face in his chest before nodding.

"Just sleep. Want me to sing a song?"


He kissed her forehead gently, "Love you."

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