Zelo: It's been long

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Reader's POV:

They said it was puppy love but I believed it was love.

They said I was too young, but I believed love blossoms no matter what age.

They said I was unable to understand such a cruel world, but he helped me get through it.

They said he left me because I failed to appreciate his love at such a young age, I never believed them. But it really happened.

I was twelve. Who said kids that age can't love? I don't believe in that.

When I was eleven, I thought love was something that exists but true love only exists in TV dramas.

But that mindset changed when I was twelve.

I met him.

He was tall. Really tall, a head taller than me, then. He was kind of buff, he played Basketball Everyday. He was really quiet but such a fluff ball when you get to know him.

He was, and is Choi Junhong.

We met in a dance academy. Not a real school in South Korea but you can pick up dance there. Okdal Dance Academy of the arts.

Enjoyable, certainly. Fun, certainly. Love? Certainly.

But love not only dance. But also the people there.

All I saw was his soft gaze. He smiled at me. So I did too.

We exchanged numbers a few weeks after.

We became great friends. Online, sadly. We were awkward in person. I felt like I had feelings for him but I didn't want to go far. Moreover, I was twelve? What did I know?

For Junhong however, everyone in class always said he liked me. I didn't want to risk my heart. I declined the fact.

When I lied about having a crush at school, he got mad and ignored me. And right after our exams ended, he went away. He transferred to a new dance school, far from ours, I never knew which one.

Two years after, I turned fourteen, I met him on the streets. I was on my way to a friend's house. As I got out of the bus interchange, a group of people just alighted from another bus, walking towards the train station behind me.

Then, a tall guy, dressed in all black, his eyes trailing as I hung my head low, it was the early morning and I was tired.

Wait. He looks familiar

I whipped my head back, only to lock gazes with him.

My eyes widened and I froze to the spot.

There he was again.

It felt as if the world stopped, it was only the two of us left. His wide eyes softened and he walked away.

A part of me was jumping in joy. After two years, I met him again. But my world fell when he walked away.

I stood there stupidly for another two minutes till I walked away too, tears threatening to fall.

It's been long, Junhong-ah.

A few months later, I bumped into two of my friends from my old school. They were in the same school as Junhong, Halim Dance High.

A few words they said was able to make my whole world fall on me, "Did you know Junhong found a Girlfriend? He's also know as the troublemaker in school... ..."

My world crashes to it's feet but I tried to smile, "O-Oh? Really? I never knew,"  I tried to sound happy for him.

She even whipped out her phone to show me a picture of them.

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