Zelo: Four

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I said, "I'm so hot, I need a fan."

But she said, "Then I must be the cause of global warming."


Y/N: Lee Jinsoo


3rd Person POV:

Jinsoo sighed as she saw her members, sprawled all  over the floor in the practice room.

"C'mon, just one last one," she pleaded and shook them. 

"Unnie, you've already said that since three hours ago. Aren't you tired? We've been doing this since 9am and it's already 3am..." Vanessa pouted as she retied her ponytail.

"I'm sorry... You know I just—"

"Unnie, it's fine. We know how stressed you get during our collabs. We get it. Further more, you're placed in charge for the whole thing and we're not doing it with B.A.P this time," Eva sent her a reassuring smile.

"You know what, y'all go back to the dorm now. I'll stay for a while more. I'll do the finishing touches," she took a sip from her water bottle and started stretching again in front of the mirrored walls.

The members looked at each other and sighed again, "We'll see you at home then. Bye unnie."

"Yeah. See ya'," she smiled at them and cracked her neck.

'Geez, I'm getting so stiff.'

Instead of the norm plans, they're not collaborating with B.A.P this time round. But with BTS, four of their members— J-Hope, Jimin, V and Jungkook.

As the senior with the most experience, she was placed in charge of dance for the song J-Hope and Rap Monster composed. It was a must to get it done perfectly and up to standard.

However, she did feel a relief when she heard that they weren't collaborating with B.A.P this time round. She was, and is, of her permanent performance partner, Choi Junhong— Zelo.

With the fact that both are the lead rappers and lead dancers, they would obviously be placed together.

But with the fact that she had a dark past with him, it was the most uncomfortable with have that kiss scene with him in 1004. Cliché; in a relationship, Zelo broke up with her, the end.

She snapped out of her daze as she heard someone knock on the door of the practice room. Thinking it was one of her members, she shuffled to the doors quickly, only to come face to face with Zelo.

"Hey..." He rubbed his nape.

"Uh... Can I help you?" She titled her head.

He revealed from behind his back, a few cups of coffee, "I saw your members heading back to the dorm without you so I suspected you were here wrecking your brain while choreographing so I decided to bring you some coffee."

"I know you're a rapper but there's not need to flaunt your skills to me. I'm aware of them," she chuckled, making him grin like a little kid, "But thank you. Why are you still here anyways?"

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