Daehyun: Say You Won't Let Go

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+ a little fluff after some time.

+ inspired/ based on James Arthur's 'Say You Won't Let Go'

+ this was done quite some time ago in early april but I never had the chance to publish it hehe.

+ enjoy <3


Y/N: Suhyun

Daehyun's POV:

"Bye, Appa!" The child looked up to the tall figure.

I smiled as she runs into the school, the cold weather made her cheeks rosy red, she resembles the young Suhyun.

I laughed as I looked over to the child's Father. A warm smile was tugging his lips and he glanced back over his shoulder to take one last look at his dear Daughter before heading back to his car, greeting his Wife with a quick peck before driving down the lane.

I picked up my pace, heading back to my house with the groceries in my hand.

Kicking my shoes off by the door, I was greeted by a bark from my pet dog, a corgi, Peanut.

"Annyeong Peanut, Appa will go cook up some breakfast for eomma now. Go look for Myungjin."

Peanut barked and waddled off into my four-year-old son's room.

I laughed in amusement as I shook my head, ruffling my hair lightly before rolling up the sleeves of my hoodie, getting the ingredients for Suhyun's Favourite sandwich ready.

She never requested much, just two simple toasted slices bread with a bit of lettuce and two tomatoes, honey baked ham with two slices of cheese, the cheese must have the ham between it.

Along with that home brewed milk tea of hers but to make it healthier for her, it took me months to convince her to change it to home brewed Chinese green tea.

She whined a lot like a child but she only did that to get me to kiss her in order make her keep quiet.

She's one funny girl. Despite our age (I'm not saying we're old, time just pass really quickly), I still feel my heart beating for her like the first time I felt when I brought her home from the bar.

Both of us got dragged there by our college friends. She hated drinking but she lost so badly at the games we played that she took so many shots.

I volunteered to bring her back before she would pass out.

I remember clearly how much I worried she would throw up in my car but thankfully she didn't. she thanked me continuously before we got to her house, where she instantly ran to the washroom to throw up the disgusting liquor out of her.

I bent down beside her and held her hair back for her. Once she was done, she laughed and smiled over her shoulder to thank me again.

I fell for her the hundredth time that day.

Time flashed past so quickly.

From the same night I confessed to her when I thought she fell asleep but apparently she heard every word of my cheesy confession and answered it with a long passionate kiss.

To the day we graduated from university and I finally mustered up the courage and ask her to officially take my hand as my wife.

We got engaged for three years before we got married at the church we first met during a senior's wedding many years back.

At that senior's wedding, I sang Arthur's 'Say You Won't Let Go' as the bride walked down the aisle.

And on our wedding day, my Best Friend sang it for us.

The song fits us perfectly. Both our parents were against us at first. My family was wealthy while hers was more to the disadvantaged side. I was set up with another girl to be away from her but our love was so strong she didn't let go even when I was going to give up.

I gathered the courage to say 'No' to the priest on my wedding day to the woman I never loved as I turned to Suhyun who was in the crowd.

I sang the song for her as we crashed at her house that night. Dancing to the song the whole night before she got drunk again. The same scene of me pulling her hair back repeated. How much I thanked the gods for sending me such an angel to be mine.

I muttered the same words from the song to her before I slept with rather drunk her in my arms.

Till today, 'Say You Won't Let Go' remains our favourite song.

"Appa, Peanut woke me up," Myungjin groaned and rubbed his eyes tirelessly with Peanut running around him excitedly.

"Good morning, Myungjin-ah," I greeted and scoped him up with one hand, placing him on the counter as I packed up his lunch for school that day. I then told him another story of mine and Suhyun's during our schooling days. He loves this kind of morning talks.

"Let's go watch a movie after school, how about that?" I proposed and my son's expression immediately lit up and he nodded enthusiastically before scurrying off to his room to prepare for school.

I then cooked up his favourite scrambled eggs and placed it by the left of the table, his seat. I then set Suhyun's breakfast on my right.

I stretched after the twenty minutes of cooking and made my way to our shared bedroom.

I plopped myself on the bed beside her and scanned her prominent facial features. Pulling a lose strand of hair behind her ear, I felt my lips curl up into a smile and I placed my palm against her cheeks, using my thumb to graze over her facial features softly.

"Morning, jagi," I whispered and I saw her smile and frown, trying to turn away from me in attempt to get a little more sleep.

"Nice try, dear, but let's go," I teased before pulling her off the bed, scooping her up in a bridal style, making her squeal.

She laughed again before getting onto the floor, into the bathroom, washing up.

From behind, I wrapped my arms around her small belly, with our second child, the Daughter it holds, one I've been asking for even before Myungjin came. But I love Myungjin just as much.

"Thanks, love," I hummed and placed my chin on the crown of her head as she turned around, wrapping her arms around my torso too.

"Waeyo?" She whispers and placed her ear on my chest, hearing the steady beat.

"For being mine."

She returned a hearty laughter before looking up into my brown eyes, "I would want to say the same too."

We enjoyed the silence before a loud thud of the door startled the two of us.

"Eomma, Appa, can we start eating before Peanut eats my food?" Myungjin pouted.

We adults laughed before nodding and picking the child up in our arms and making our way to the table.

Placing him down, I slid my arms around her waist before taking my seat next to her and whispering, "Thank you for staying with me."

She placed her warm hand on mine and the other with the sandwich I prepared, "I won't ever let you go."

completed: 17.04.2017
published: 09.05.2017

have y'all been watching produce 101? who's your fav?

im supporting daniel and both (lee and park) woojin. oh gosh, they're all so talented.

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