Fly High #2: Saturday Date

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Hey guys! How's your week? I hope y'all are doing fine. I'm currently on the plane on my way to Hangzhou, China for a short three day vacation. 

Everyone is dressed so warmly in hoodies and winter jackets but I'm the only one in a sleeveless shirt. :"-)

Oh well, for those of you in countries going through winter now, do dress warmly and take care.

Merry Christmas <3 I do hope the boys have a great Christmas too.


3rd Person POV:

Zelo starred at himself through the reflection on the shop's door as he ran his fingers through his light brown hair.

Straightening his hoodie for the last time, he smiled at himself as he leant against the shop's wall. It's been the first week of school and if he had to be honest, it wasn't as bad. Ms Park and the new Teachers are all really reasonable with the homework and Ms Park is really warm to the students. She's almost like the female version of Mr Jung.

It's been a week since school started and it's been a week since Zelo last saw Jihyo. He was just purely elated for their date. Every date was like their first one at the playground.

"Junhong," a soft girlish voice called behind him, making him smile as soon as he locked gazes with her.

"Annyeong, Jihyo-ah! Let's go," he held her hand and pulled her towards the direction of the mall.

"Wait, Junhong, let's go to the playground, can we?" Jihyo asked.

He paused, feeling amused how she's being so formal just asking to go to that playground, "Sure, c'mon!"

Just as Zelo was about to intertwine their fingers, Jihyo pretended to pull her hair behind her ears then slipping both her hands into the pockets of her jacket.

Zelo pouted to himself but stayed the optimistic kid he is and walked ahead.

As they got to the playground, they got seated on the swings like they usually did. Using their legs to push themselves, nothing else was said and only the sounds of the rusty metal swing filled the silence between them.

"I have to say something." "You have something to say, don't you?"

Jihyo stared at him, eyes welling up with remorse.

Zelo stared up at the sky, the guys were right.

"I'm sorry, Junhong..." Jihyo sighed.

Zelo finally mustered the courage to stare into her eyes, "It's okay. I saw this coming. I saw you with him at Namjoon's party."

"Junhong..." she held onto his hand but he withdrew it, just like how she did before.

"Thanks for the invite, Namjoon Hyung! Happy birthday again," Zelo smiled as he handed the gift over to the birthday boy.

He smiled, "Thanks for coming too, Junhong. By the way, why did Jihyo come with Jungkook instead of you?"

"Oh really? I'll go look for her," Junhong forced a smile and walked in, Jongup tagging along behind.

"I told you she was no good," he nagged like a old granny, "I told you from the start, didn't I?"

"C'mon, Hyung, we haven't even seen her. Maybe she is just accompanying Jungkook—"

They stopped on their tracks at the corner of a hallway where they looked at another two people at the end.

Jungkook had Jihyo trapped between his arms and was making out with her, violently.

Junhong looked away before he could take anymore.

"Yeah, definitely just accompanying him," Jongup remarked in a clear sacarstic tone as he looked at the solemn younger one, "Shall we go back to the dorms early?"

"Can we, Hyung?"

Jongup pat his shoulder and pushed him towards the door lightly and pat his back,"Of course. Let's get you back."

Jongup stared apologetically at his dongsaeng. As much as he wanted to give Junhong a good scolding for not listening to him and the other boys when Junhong just started going out with Jihyo, they understood she is his first love after all.

The wrong first love.

Kicking the pebbles in his path, he groaned again and kicked nonstop.

Definitely helping to get rid of his anger.

A thousand and one thoughts running through his mind. He felt lost and deviated. He shouldn't have left her at the playground alone.

What if something happened to her?

Sighing for the nth time that hour, he kicked a stone with all his might, only to hear someone help in pain after that.

"Ah!" A lady's voice shrieked from the other side of the bush.

"Oh no!" He ran to the voice, someone in a pair of white jeans and dark purple flannel seated on the wooden bench rubbing the back of her head as she groaned in pain. He nervously tapped her shoulder, "I am so sorry! I didn't mean to kick that pebble towards your head!"

The person surprisingly laughed and stood up dusting her jeans and looking up at him, "I'm fine, it's totally okay, I'm sure you didn't mean it— oh! Aren't you my student?"

Zelo looked closely, "Ms Park! I almost couldn't recognise you! I'm so sorry!"

She giggled, "It's totally fine, Junhong-ssi! What brings you to Hongdae today?"

"I was supposed to be on a date with my Girlfriend," his voice turned a bit low.

"Ah... did something turn up?" Jiyeol smiled.

"Uh... we broke up," his voice turned softer at each word his said, his head hanging lower.

"I know I'm just your teacher but you can talk it out with me," she guestered him to take a seat beside her on the bench.

Zelo only sighed, for a good ten minutes, not a single word trailing out his mouth.

Jiyeol puckered her lips, a sign of thinking deeply before cutting the silence, "Why not you take your time to gather yourself? I'll go get something and I'll be right back."

"Yeah... sure," Zelo shrugged. It felt weird to be so comfortable with a teacher but he somehow felt like he can trust Ms Park.

"Great. Stay right here. I'll be back real quick," she picked up her purse and spoke up again before walking down the street, "Don't talk to strangers while I'm gone."

Her statement made him let out a laugh as he nodded in reply.

How motherly like. Just like Jihyo.

Zelo stared at the promise ring on his left pinky finger, the exact same one Jihyo has, the first ring he got for her as their anniversary gift. He spent all his savings on it. It wasn't like he was poor, he is rather well fed but his parents never really allowed him to purchase such items without their consent.

Before he could sink himself any deeper in depressing memories, he saw a hand holding out a cone of chocolate ice cream in front of him, Ms Park.

"Here," she smiled, "It's your Favourite."

"How did you know?" He raised his eyebrows but took the ice cream from her hands anyway. Being sad isn't an excuse to not eat ice cream.

"You wrote it has what you like best in the world after cherry tomatoes in the class introduction," she grinned before taking a seat beside him, "Feeling better?"

"Not a load better but I'm slightly better, I guess. It's chocolate ice cream after all," he looked into his teacher's warm eyes. Something about her... just made him trust her.

"That's good to hear. Take your time to finish it. We can talk after."

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