Youngjae: Prank x3

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Y/N: Lee Min


"One, two, three!" Youngjae counted down as he and Min poured the cold water onto the sleeping Himchan.

They quickly slid down below his bed.

Youngjae pulled her closer to him so they wouldn't make any noise.

"Aish! What the hell?!" Himchan yelled and wiped the water off his face, "Where are those two."

They saw Himchan's feet that got off the bed and he walked out of the room.

The two laughed and got up, then locking Himchan's door.

"Yah!" Himchan went back banging the door with his fist.

"That was great!" Youngjae laughed hard and fist bumped with his best friend.

She nodded, "Oh, we should do it on Jongup next time. I wanna see him get mad."

"He never gets mad," Youngjae laughed.

"We never know."

"Well, you two will know that you're getting beaten up by me now. Come here you two," Himchan entered the room via an extra key. He chased after the two but they quickly ran out of the dorm and ran downstairs.

Still laughing while catching their breaths.

"Did you see hyung's face? HAHAHA!"

She giggled, "My, aren't you excited."


"Hey, draw some eyebrows for him too," Youngjae suggested as they drew on the sleeping Jongup's face.

"Oh, I'll make his eyebrows on fleek," she took the marker and connected the eyebrows in the middle, then thickening his eyebrows.

"He's so beautiful," Youngjae cooed sacarstically.

All Min could do was to admire Youngjae. His bright red hair, fluffy little face and small plump lips.

Unknowingly, she ruffled his hair, "Aigoo, do you like our Jonguppie~"

Youngjae scrunched up his face but he then smiled, "Nah. I like someone else."

She forced a laugh and smile, "Oh! That's great! Who?"

He winked, "Can't tell you but I need your help."


"So you want me to style your hair, choose your outfit, pick a place for you two go to, go to the place with you, and I also have to prepare food for you guys?" Min said, making herself sound really displeased with the idea as they sat on his bed, discussing about his date.

He nodded, "You're my best friend. I trust that you'll do this the best. You'll help me right?"

She nodded enthusiastically, "Of course!"

But her heart was being wrenched to the very deep.

"Then, let's get going!" He grabbed her hand as they made their way to the mall to pick up some clothes, and a gift for the girl. He wasn't willing to tell who it was but promised that she'll love the girl.

She snickered when he said that.

"Yeah, that blue coat and white shirt. Your jeans are fine. Then white high cut shoes. Yes that's nice," she smiled as he mixed and matched some clothes.

She couldn't believe that he was actually buying a new set of clothes just for this date.

They paid for a clothes and walked passed a Jewellery store. 

Min's eyes were glued onto this very necklace. It wasn't the prettiest but it was beautiful to her. There were letters engraved on the heart.

"Yah, I'll go buy something. But by the way, can you tell me the initials of this girl?" Min tugged onto his shirt.

"LM. Waeyo?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Nothing. I just wanted to know. Go get something to eat. I'll look for you later."

"Oh, okay."

She shuffled into the shop and placed her order. As much as she didn't want her best friend to date someone else, she still had to congratulate the two anyway.

She got YJ ❤️ LM engraved on the heart. She got two and got the two necklaces wrapped up nicely.

She smiled sadly, "Well, this is the least I can do for him."


She sprayed some hair spray on his red hair and smiled, "You look great, Youngjae-ah."

She held onto his shoulders, "Good luck okay? I hope she accepts your confession."

He held onto his chest dramatically, "I hope so too."

She chuckled.

She didn't seem to mind anymore. Well, instead of being jealous, she should support him.

"Hold on, I got you two something," she picked up the bag with the necklaces, "Here's my congratulation gift. They're necklaces. Promise to put it on with her all the time, okay? They're really pretty, I promise."

"I trust your taste. Thanks. I couldn't ask for a better Best Friend. Love you."

"I love me too," she faked a smile again.

"C'mon, let's go now," he dragged her hand with him to the park that they had chosen.

It was a chilly spring late afternoon and Youngjae was setting up the things nicely, Min helped him out.

"So, can you tell me who's the girl, now?" She asked and looked at him.

He looked at her intently, "Who has the initials LM? Guess who"

"Leong Milica?"


"Li Myung?"



"I'll give you a hint. She's already here."

Min looked confused and looked around. She didn't stop looking left, right backwards and checking behind Youngjae several times.

Then, he caught her by her chin and pulled her in for a passionate kiss. His small plump lips moving slowly against hers. She stood shocked to the spot as her Best Friend continued kissing her. Her big widened eyes slowly closed as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed back.

He placed his hands behind her back and pulled her closer to him and deepened the kiss even further.

They then pulled away and their eyes fluttered open.

He smiled and placed his forehead against hers, "Sorry if you thought I found someone else but it's you, LM, Lee Min."

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