Fly High #5: Sunday Date

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Guys! We've reached 2k reads! TT I shooked.

Thank you guys so much! <3

I'm so sorry this took so long to update. School started and I already have loads on my To-Do List. Please be patient with me!

Anyways, the Chinese New Year break is coming soon! Can't wait!


3rd Person POV;

Jiyeol paces around her room, 'geez I have nothing to wear' she groaned.

"It's just a dinner with your student, Yeol," Daehyun sighed and laid on her bed, "It's not the president asking you to attend his ninetieth birthday banquet."

Jiyeol rolled her eyes and pushed him by the head, "You're not helping."

"What you're wearing is perfectly fine already," he pointed to her.

She stared at the clothes she had on before sending Daehyun in a headlock, "This is a plain shirt and FBT shorts, you— oh never mind."

She released the suffocating latter from her grasp as she turned to her small wooden closet, "I'll just wear something simple."

She pulled out a simple outfit and quickly changed.

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"Isn't this... a bit too casual?" Daehyun raised his eyebrows at her, hinting her she was still a teacher.

Jiyeol shrugged, "He said to treat it like a friendly meet up so... I dressed up like how I usually would when I meet up with friends... and you."

Daehyun rolled his eyes, "I see you in your too casual states sometimes."

Jiyeol sighed another time, unable to handle Daehyun anymore, "You're so annoying."

He stood up and engulfed her in a hug, "But you love me anyways," he cooed in a tone that made her feel like hitting him again.

She shook her head before throwing her wallet and phone into a drawstring bag before slipping a pair of white converse on.

Daehyun stared at her, many thoughts running through his mind, I Guess... it wouldn't be too bad if you were to have a crush on your student right? Junhong can help you get over that jerk.

"What did you say?" She hummed and looked over to her Cousin.

"Do you like Junhong?" He whispered, staring into her dark brown eyes, a habit he has when he's serious.

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