Fly High #6: Back Again

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3rd Person POV:

A month before national exams

"Class dismissed," Jiyeol smiled and the class rose from their seats, bowing at their teacher before scrambling to pack their books to bring home.

It's a crucial time. Students scurrying to the Neighbourhood libraries to study, Teachers scurrying to cramp all last minute notes for students. It's chaos.

Jiyeol had Long ago completed the syllabus for her classes. She's relaxed, confident in her students.

"Ms Park," one called, making her look up from her teacher's desk.

"Yes, Junhong-ssi?" She replied, "Do you need something?"

You. He said to himself but shook his head to snap out of his useless thoughts.

"Uh... I was wondering if I could still get tuition lessons from you..."

"Well... sure, but will tomorrow be fine? I have something on this evening."

His expression lit up immediately, "Thank you so much! I'll see you tomorrow, Ms Park."

He bowed before leaving the classroom where his friends were waiting.

"So? What did she say?" Ilhoon smiled at the younger one.

"You can obviously tell from his smile that she said 'yes', you idiot," Sungjae rolled his eyes as they walked down the hallway to the front gate.

Ever since that day at Hongdae, the two had stopped their tuition lessons. They've gotten to how they were like before, sharing a teacher-student relationship, no longer as friends.

Junhong chased after her that evening before couldn't find her, going home in the end with a heavy heart.

When he was back in school, he received the information from Jiyeol, through Jongup, that they will stop tuition lessons since he was coping fine with his subjects already.

After that, he could no longer find a reason to talk or get close to her. She never got him to help her carry those heavy worksheets and books up three floors or get a cup of coffee from the school's cafe.

She spent most of her time in the Teachers' office instead of the school library with other students.

The change was hard for him to adapt to since he was always there when she needed him.

She's still Ms Park Jiyeol, his... teacher.

"That's good," Jongup beamed before they all switched their gaze to a pricy car that was parked outside the school.

"Damn..." they chorused, before laughing it off.

Just then, smaller figure walked out the school with a couple of worksheets and books in her hand.

Junhong definitely recognised her, Jiyeol.

Her brown hair swaying with the wind.

The owner of the car finally stepped out, his hair was pretty decently styled and he was rather tall, slightly taller than Sungjae. He made his way to Jiyeol, taking the heavy books and worksheets from her hands, smiling as he did, "I've got this. Get into the car."

"Thanks," she made a small smile before getting into the front seat.

The group of friends titled their head in confusion as they watched the car speed off.

"Heol..." Sungjae and Ilhoon choruses, their mouths still wide open.

Junhong frowned, who is that?


"You just have to add the more important points to your explanation and you'll be fine," Jiyeol pointed to the remarks written in red on his essay.

He nodded, a sign of understanding before she made a satisfied small smile, "Good. Just complete a short three paragraphed essay on the treaty for me tomorrow. Just give it to me in class. Pack up now. You're done for today."

"Thank you Ms Park," he bowed and kept his materials into his jansport bag.

The doorbell of her apartment rang and she excused herself to get to the door.

Junhong turned around to find her at the end of the hallway where he door was. He took the chance to place the small gift on her table with a small sticky note on the top of it, filled with his neatest handwriting by far.

He made his way to the door where he saw the back view of Jiyeol and the familiar face of the guy from the car yesterday.

"Himchan, I already said I—" Jiyeol was cut off as Himchan got her close to him by her cheek, pulling her into a passionate kiss, Junhong wished he never saw.

His whole world crashing down onto him at that very moment.

"Uh... Ms Park," he called as calmly as he could.

Jiyeol's eyes shot open as she pushed Himchan harshly away from her, causing him to stumble.

"Oh you're done—"

"Yeah," he adjusted the strap of his bag that hung from one of his shoulders, "I'll get going now," he bowed before making his way out the door, shooting Himchan a fiery glare as he did.

When he was gone, Jiyeol pierced Himchan with the gaze of hers.

"Himchan I told you! I'm over you! Please stop bothering me!"

"I don't believe you! You don't even like anyone else—"

"I do!" She sighed exasperatedly.

"Who?!" He shrieked.

"Him!" She shouted back.

"Who is 'him'?!"

"Him! That student of mine!"


I think this story will be pretty lengthy and there'll be more chapters. Oh well. I do hope it still ends well. Do look out for it!

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