Talk #5

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+ A/N pretty long chapter, enjoy!

Moon Jongup has unblocked Cha Yeri
You've got a message from Moon Jongup

meet me in our class homeroom
after school.
Sent 8.03am

don't be late.
Sent 8.03am

i don't like waiting.
Sent 8.04am

Sent 8.05am

uh... sure. why not.
Sent 8.05am

but, why??? 🤔
Sent 8.06am

and thanks for unblocking
me. 🤗🤗
Sent 8.07am

don't ask. just be there.
Sent 8.07am

Yeri frowned in confusion and looked up from her book that laid under her hands in her table. Her eyes trailed him as he ran his fingers through his smooth blue hair.

She got taken aback when he snapped his head backwards to look at her.

Her eyes widened instantly and she blinked several times in confusion before switching her gaze back down onto her book. A blush instantly crept onto her cheeks as she shook her head to get her mind off his intense gaze.

Jongup smirked for a split second before turning back to his own textbook.

Yeri's seatmate Seulgi gaped in shock as she herself blinked several times before nudging Yeri violently, "Did Moon Jongup just smirk at you, Cha Yeri?"

Yeri looked at her with eyes opened wide like an owl's, stuttering in a hushed voice, "H-He did?"

Now it was Seulgi's turn to smirk as she nudged Yeri a little harder this time, "My, my, there's something going on in which I don't know of."

Yeri turned her blushing face away, "There's nothing going on. Don't be ridiculous."


The school bell finally rang, signalling the last period of the day has come to an end.

Yeri violently copied the notes her lecturer left on the board before swinging her bag over her shoulder and ran out of the lecture theatre and towards her class homeroom.

"Shoot, I'm late," she muttered under her breath as she raced to the room, anxious about why Jongup suddenly requested to meet her.

"You're late," his voice echoed in the empty room as she swung open the door.

"I'm sorry," she whispered and placed the folders and worksheets she was struggling to balance in her arms onto the table with a thud.

Still breathing heavily from her short run, she tried to catch her breath as she placed her assignments in her bag.

"W-Why did you ask to meet me?" She nervously questioned.

The blue haired male stopped leaning against the table as he pushed himself up, walking closer to her, maybe an arms length away.

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