Twelve Membered Group #4

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Examinations are over! Phew! More time to update~


Title: Singapore


3rd Person POV:

"Is there any where you would want to visit tomorrow?" Nicole asked as they made their way into a room at the end of the hallway in her house.

Daehyun shrugged, "I'm fine with anything. I want to eat loads of food, though. Do they have cheesecakes here?"

She shook her head in amusement, "Of course. But you should try more local delicacies here. I'll make a cheesecake for you myself. Call?"

"Call!" He clapped.

She turned the doorknob into the room and stood in front of a brown wooden door.

She got in, Daehyun following behind her. There was a double decker bed but the bottom floor was a study table. There were strings of Polaroids and pictures along the poles of the bed and some books with different levels of school on bookshelves arranged neatly.

A couple of her things were in her Favourite Colour of pale purple. He looked closer and found some pictures of B.A.P there too. Then there were some of when she was still a student in Singapore when she was younger. Then, some pictures of the two of them. On music shows when they were MCs, during behind the scenes of MVs, and when they... Were together.

He tore his eyes away as he felt her tap his shoulder.

"You can sleep here," she pointed to an extra bed at the other end of the room.

It was the standard size of a normal room. Not to big, Nor small. It was just right. There were a couple of stuffed toys here and there. And a number of pictures. Maybe with the fact that she and Himchan shares a common interest in photography.

She had pictures of them during their first win and performances. Even the fan taken pictures during her debut stage when she twisted her ankle and burnt herself with the fireworks.

"Alright. Gomawo," he ruffled her hair and sat on her bed, "Why do you have two beds anyway?"

"I used to share it with Wei. But he has his own room now. And I thought this bed would come in handy of people visit. But since we're going to be here for a month, you can make yourself comfortable and relax, okay?"

He nodded, "I already feel too comfortable."

"Go wash up. I'll cook something and talk to my parents. Maybe we can find some time to go out. I'll plan the schedule."

He nodded and unpacked some clothes. Bumping into Wei as he was finding his way to the washroom.

"Toy-let?" Daehyun asked Wei who looked at him, confused.

"Hwa-Jang-Shi?" Wei asked in Korean but Daehyun was able to interpret it. He enthusiastically nodded.

"Oh! Okay! It's just outside my room behind me. You want to come into my room before washing up? I can show you!"

Wei's Korean was pretty fluent if Daehyun had to admit. He's cool. Despite being older than him by five years.

Daehyun placed his clothes and towel in the bathroom before going to Wei's room.

His room was white too but things were decorated sky blue. His had pictures pasted on the walls and some anime posters and figurines on the shelves. He also had three posters of B.A.P on his wall. One from Warrior, one from No Mercy and the last one from Angel.

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