Fly High #7: Prom

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A/N: Hey guys... I've actually written a couple of chapters of drafts for a full length Yongguk book. Would you guys be interested in me publishing it? I'm still considering it since I haven't completed the chapters in the middle...


3rd Person POV:

After national exams —School Prom

"And you decided to not get a date?" Ilhoon raised his eyebrows in confusion at his dongsaeng.

Junhong nodded and laid back on his bed, ignoring the endless nagging from Ilhoon.

"You're still not over Ms Park yet, huh?" Jongup asked quietly.

Sungjae and Ilhoon snapped their heads to the latter, clearly confused further, "Ms Park?!"

Jongup nodded, "He's still not over her. Look at him. He looks wasted just feeding off ramyeon and mineral water everyday."

The three hyungs stared at each other with tired eyes before shaking their heads a couple more times. Then walking out of Junhong's room one by one.

Jongup turns off the lamp as the last one to leave after he said, "Do still come tomorrow, okay?"


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Junhong rolled his eyes and slumped in a chair at the far back end of the ballroom as he watched everyone waltz around the dance floor gracefully with their dance partners.

Jongup's date was a freshman whom just didn't have a date so Jongup decided to ask her. They seem to be getting along pretty well.

Sungjae and Ilhoon decided to ditch their dates for the buffet.

While Junhong didn't have the mood to do anything.

Ever since that evening, he couldn't forget he scene that remains etched deeply in his mind. Himchan kissing Jiyeol. His world fell to his feet at that very moment, nothing else could describe it but pain.

Sighing for the nth time that night, he played with his fingers while listening to the girls around the table next to his, gossip about some nerds they despise.

All of a sudden, a few soft gasps and mumbling made him snap out of his daze.

He saw everyone looking in the direction of the entrance, probably signalling that someone entered. And this person must be very special from the numerous people with wide opened jaws.

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