Jongup: Angry Jongup?

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Y/N: Bang Yoojung


"Junhong!" Yoojung giggled as he scared her from behind again.

"Hello," he smiled and ruffled her hair.

"Where's Jongup?" She smiled.

"Ah, he's doing our choreography. So he's not coming to school today. But we can go over to the dorm and make some food as lunch for him when he comes home around 4pm," Junhong made an intelligent nod.

"Alright then. I'll look forward to your new dance," Yoojung chuckled and hugged her books tight.

"C'mon, let's go to class now, and please, you look forward to everything Jongup does," he linked their arms as they made their way to their classroom.

"Because he's my boyfriend?"

"I was just kidding. Let's just go."


"Yep! Take the cake out of the oven. Don't burn yourself."

"Yeah, yeah," Zelo rolled his eyes playfully, earning a smack on the forehead from Yoojung.

He carefully placed the cake on the table as Yoojung took out some frosting.

"Just put the frosting on the cake."

"Mhmm..." He hummed and did as she told him to. She smiled as he started drawing funny things on the cake.

"What are you drawing? It's hideous."

"I'm drawing you. You're hideous."

"Yah! Choi Junhong!"

"Ah!" He screamed as Yoojung pulled him by his ear.

He caught her under his long arms and dragged her to the living room.

She wiped her hand full of cream on his face.

"Yoojung!" He whine and tried to do the same but Yoojung tripped, she pulled him down with her onto the couch.

Because of everything happening so quickly, Zelo's lips landed on Yoojung's.

Just then, the door of the dorm clicked open and a tired looking Jongup appeared. His small eyes widened at the scene he saw— his best friend kissing his Girlfriend.

"Hyung!" "Jongup!"

They quickly got up and looked away awkwardly.

Jongup kept quiet but Yoojung could see him clenching his fist tightly.

"Jongup, it's nothing like you—" Yoojung tried to get close to him but Jongup shoved her away.

"Don't touch me," he growled lowly as he looked away from her.

He picked up his shoes that laid on the floor and proceeded to the room he shared with Yoojung. Before he locked the door, she placed her hand on his shoulder, "Jongup..."

"I said don't touch me!" He yelled, making her jump. It was the first time Jongup ever got angry. Angry at her.

She jumped back in shock and sighed, "We made some cake for you."

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