Bodyguards #2: Im Mansion

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Before I start of today's chapter; Congrats to the boys on #Skydive1stwin ! Yongguk and the members' hard work didn't go down the drain. I do hope they take care and come back as 6 soon once Yongguk is well and healthy again! <3

xoxo, writer-nim [161122]


3rd Person POV:

"Hi Imjae!" The Maid greeted from the door, "Is this your new partner?"

Imjae frowned, "Does the whole world know?"

The Maid laughed before letting her in, "Master Hyunsik told us about it."

"Aish..." Imjae groaned and thanked her before walking into the mansion.

First duty with Youngjae at the Im mansion, for their chidlren,  Im Hyunsik and Im Ayeon.

"What is this Ayeon like?" Youngjae asked as they walked up the stairs to the third floor and down a hallway.

"You'll see," Imjae snickered as they stopped by a door.

"Get out! This is the ugliest top I have ever seen in my life!" A girlish voice screeched from the room on their left.

Two maids scurried out of the room and bowed to the owner of the voice before making their way downstairs while sighing several times.

"That's her?" Youngjae scrunched up his nose, her high pitched voice was enough to make his toes curl.

Imjae nodded and walked towards the door, "On schedule today is to follow her and her brother to their College and just stay with them in case of emergencies."

Youngjae nodded and walked with her to the rooms, one belonging to the girl and the other was her brother's.

"Oh? Imjae?" Someone greeted.

"Hi Hyunsik, ready to go?"

The latter smiled and nodded at her, shaking hands with Youngjae as he introduced himself, "Hi, I'm Hyunsik. You must be Youngjae, right?"

Youngjae bobbed his head and greeted Hyunsik with a faint smile, before they heard the door click again.

A fine young lady stepped out in a white floral dress and hot pink heels. A white bag decorated with badges hung lazily on one of her shoulders and her brown hair flowed down on the other shoulder. She's stunningly beautiful and Imjae could see that Youngjae had already got taken away by her beauty.

She rolled her eyes before turning to Hyunsik, "Let's go now, shall we?"

Hyunsik flashed an eye smile before nodding, "Of course, c'mon Ayeon."

"Yoo Youngjae," Imjae snapped, getting Youngjae out of his daze.


Imjae rolled her eyes and walked ahead with Hyunsik. She knows Ayeon is really, really pretty and she has a grudge against Youngjae but... seeing him get distracted by Ayeon's beauty... she couldn't help but feel a pang of jealously hit her chest.


A few months have passed by and Imjae had adapted well to working with a partner. She felt rather thankful to have a partner now. She never knew what 'friends' were till she started working with him.

She doesn't get bored while waiting for missions or feel weird since she has someone with her everywhere she goes.

Youngjae surprisingly isn't that bad of a person. Yes, he was rather sassy at times but he's a total sweetheart off scene too. Imjae to him is still the clumsy girl he met at first but her charisma when she was serious is something you can't find easily in other girls.

The two made their way to the café in the office building again, to celebrate another successful mission. They were able to take the kidnappers down swiftly and well without getting anyone hurt or injured. Thanks to Youngjae finding the back door of the building, they were able to get into the building and take those heavily armed kidnappers down professionally.

"Here's a caramel macchiato for you two, for another successful mission!" Minseok cheered as he brought the tray over to them. Imjae being Imjae, helping him get the plates off too.

"Thanks Minseok. I don't think we could've done the mission if I didn't drink a cup of Americano from you earlier this morning,"  Youngjae smiled.

Minseok chuckled, "It's my pleasure. All the drinks for you two are on me for the rest of the month!"

Youngjae laughed, "It's fine!"

Minseok winked, "I insist." He walked back to the counter and bent down to Imjae, whispering, "He's a keeper."

Imjae blushed red crimson as she palmed her face, shooting a glare over to Minseok who had a cheeky grin on his face, mouthing the words, 'shut up', as she did.

"Here's a toast, Imjae," Youngjae raised his cup at her, she chuckled as she did the same, clinking their cups together.

"Is there anything you want to do? Since I should be able to persuade my father in giving us a day off duty."

Youngjae tapped his chin and thought, "Well... I would really want to spend some time with my sister but a day won't be enough. We can just stay in the mansion and hang out with the boys."

Imjae nodded, "Sure... that works out too. What's your sister like?"

Youngjae smiled upon hearing that, Imjae immediately said to herself, he must really love and miss his sister.

"My sister... is really lovely. She called Yoo Youngji. She's turning eight in two days and I've missed two years of her birthday since I was always on duty. But I always made it up to her over the weekend. She may be a brat at times since she's just as loud as me... but she and my father are all I have. She lived six years without my mother since she was only two when my mom left us. I really... want to see her again."

"I understand. Maybe you can visit her during the new year's break. Even though there's still a long time till the new year," Imjae pat his shoulder.

"It's fine. As long as it's me getting to see her, I don't mind the wait."

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