Bodyguards #6 : Awaken

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3rd Person POV:

Imjae groaned and got up from the bed, blinking several times as the lights on the ceiling seemed as if they were trying to blind her.

"She's awake!" She heard a voice say beside her.

She blinked again, holding onto the hand that belonged to the voice, "S-Sanghyuk? W-What happened?"

"Noona! I'll go get a doctor!" He smiled, elated and rushed out of the room.

She was in a hospital room. She examined herself, there was a bandage around her head and some bandages around her arms and some cuts on her legs. The last thing she remembered was the fire scene.

Right, where's Youngjae?

She questioned the doctor once he was done and got a sullen look in return, "He's outside. Please don't trigger him. He's not in a really stable emotional state."

She smiled and thanked him, worried about her fellow partner, not really caring how painful it was when she leaped off the bed.

"Youngjae," she called, recognising him easily from his back view.

Her steps towards him slowed down when she realised something wrong. He turned around, his eyes red and swollen, and there were scars on his face. His eyes no longer had a warm loving gaze in them.

Those eyes were glaring at her with flames in it. It made her shiver with fear. But she moved closer to him anyway.

Placing a hand on his shoulder, she got startled as he violently jerked her hand off his shoulder, "Don't touch me," he growled lowly.

"W-What's wrong?" She stuttered.

He rolled his eyes in annoyance as he stared at her with those eyes again, "What happened?! You're asking me?!? Oh I'll tell you what happened! Because of you! My Sister is injured! My Sister! What did she do to you?! She's only 8! Spare her! She doesn't deserve to be hurt like this—"

"Yah! Yah! Stop this!" Daehyun and Yongguk appeared from behind him and held him by his shoulders, preventing him from getting any closer to Imjae.

"Don't stop me! It's because of you! Lee Imjae! If you didn't stop me from going into the school! I could've helped my Sister!"

"If she didn't stop you, you'll be dead!" Jongup shouted at him, making everyone startled, "Stop being so childish. It has been three days. Your Sister only suffered minor injuries! Imjae has a broken arm and leg and the first person she asked for when she woke up after five days, is you! Is this how you repay such a good partner?"

Youngjae's expression softened after hearing his words. Everyone was still recovering from the state of shock hearing Jongup shout for the first time.

Imjae however, was still in a state of confusion, and pain. His words hurt so much. Every single word was like a knife being pierced in and out of her heart continuously, "I-I'm sorry," she only managed to blurt out these words before running down the hallway and out of the hospital building.

She collapsed outside and slid her back down a brick wall, "I didn't know it'll hurt so much..."

She buried her face in her hands to hide her tears before anyone could see them. She never cried over a guy. She never cried over any negative comments. She never cried over anything before. But... only he, Yoo Youngjae has the ability to make her cry.

"Imjae..." a soft voice and she felt the Person get closer to her, she finally felt a warm embrace around her in the chilly evening, "It's okay... I'm here."

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