Fly High #4: For her

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3rd Person POV:

"Class dismissed," Jiyeol announced and her class cheered, packing up since the day was done.

"Thank you, Ms Park," they greeted as they left the classroom one by one.

"Goodbye, you all," she smiled and waved as she too, arranged the worksheets and folders on her table, "Except you, Junhong. Can I see you for a minute?"

Junhong snapped his head up from his table and stared at her, "Sure... Ms Park."

He walked up, somehow feeling nervous, "Is anything wrong, Ms Park?"

She stared into his eyes, an unreadable expressions hung on her face, making him even more nervous as time passed, "Yes, there's something wrong."

He gulped.

She walked away from the teacher's table while balancing all her worksheet, "Are you available for the rest of the afternoon?"

"Well... there's no practice today so, I'm guessing it's a yes," he replied.

"Good. Then I'll start my tutoring lessons today, is that fine with you, Choi Junhong-ssi?" She smiled as she stopped on her tracks in the middle of the hallway.

"T-Tutoring lessons?"

She nodded, "Yes, I'm going to start tutoring you."

"But... why all of a sudden?"

"I know your past, Junhong," she said in a low voice, "Jongup told me."

He turned silent. He hated this topic.

"Don't worry, let's not talk about it. I just have one request from you."

"Go ahead, Ms Park."

"I... want you to work hard. Like how you did before. I know you're falling behind others, that's why I'm going to tutor you. I'm sure there's still that spark in you that can push you, more. I don't want you to give up, now."

He stared at the ground, he never ever thought about working hard in his studies anymore. Ever since his grandma left. He didn't want the stress he got from him to cause him to lose another loved one.

But... his failing grades are definitely something he doesn't want his grandma to see.

"Okay, I will. I'll do it for my grandma."

"Great!" She clapped.

"When do we start?"

She grinned, "Right now."

His private lessons with Ms Park took place thrice a week, on the first three weekdays in the school's classroom. Also on both weekends at Ms Park's apartment. They've been having these lessons for a month or two now.

His results have been steadily improving, surprising numerous of his Teachers.

Today again, a lovely Saturday afternoon, he's in her apartment, at the glass table beside the big windows, working on an essay about another poem he came upon on. Jiyeol sat beside him, marking some another worksheets she had left on her work desk.

The bell at the door suddenly rang, surprising the two. She chuckled before getting to the door.


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