Twelve Membered Group #2

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Phew! Four more exam papers to go. Sciences, art, and FCE. Let's go! I'll try to finish this story by the end of this month! Or if I would want to make it longer, maybe till early November? Oh well.



Chapter title: Dancing in the Rain. Literally.

3rd Person POV:

"We're just dancing in the rain," Daehyun sang his line in the middle as the rest started with the dance. This is Nicole's Favourite song in the 'No Mercy' album. Pretty thankful that they were given the chance to perform it.

She and Jongup got ready to slide to the front. The problem was, the floor was pretty wet from the heavy rain. They two slid on the floor as they knelt down in front, waiting for the beat to turn backwards and start the dance for the chorus.

When it was the cue, the two walked backwards to go behind Zelo and Youngjae individually but Nicole accidentally felt her ankle twist to the right, making her yelp slightly, not wanting to make any noise into the mic. It was then her rap and the members are supposed to move to the sides to let her move in front.

She tried to twist it back but she only felt another sharp pain.

She hissed before proceeding with her rap, trying to rap more powerfully to keep the pain off her mind. But her mind was only filled with the pain. She quickly rapped faster than she was supposed to, surprising everyone since it was also the fastest part of her rap.

Jongup observed her from behind and caught sight of her limping to the back for Zelo's part.

He bit his lip, worried for his Friend, sending her a quick gaze before going forward with her for their break dance with Zelo.

Nicole tried her best to not make it seem like she had injured her ankle and it was working rather well, making her relief. Then, a strong gust of wind was blowing at the group, making more rain droplets splash on them harshly as they continued to dance vigorously. When the dance break ends, they would sing the last verse together with Nicole in the middle so she walked up first.

At the same time, the fireworks started but because of the wind, it blew the fireworks towards them. Being the closest to the machine, she felt a burning sensation on her arm. Realising the fireworks had burnt her quite badly, she finally blinked, confused. She continued the song as if nothing happened and wished non of the members saw so they could finish the song perfectly.

Finally, the song ended and she turned around to get backstage. She felt someone pull something over her head, it was Daehyun with his flannel. He was using it to cover both him, her and Jongup.

"Ppali, the rain is getting really bad," he said as he pushed his two groups mates in front of him. The other members following to shuffle back in too. He stayed to hold the door for everyone, letting Jongup and Nicole get back in first.

He quickly followed them in as Himchan was the last person. The staff handed them towels and hot cups of water to drink but he saw one cup left aside and a number of staff rushing to the couch at the other end of the room. He snapped his head to see Nicole on the couch with her left arm burnt.

There was a medical group attending to her and we're all looking worried but she was reassuring them she was fine.

"It's your foot, okay? I saw you twist it just now," Jongup appeared beside her with a pack of ice and small towel. He was rubbing the pack of ice between the towel to make the ice melt a bit before holding it at her ankle for her.

Daehyun walked up to her, "Are you Okay?"

She snapped her head upwards before her lips curled up into a smile, "Of course. Thanks for asking!"

Daehyun felt his heart beating quickly. He always loved that smile from her and it's been a while since he was the reason she smiled.

But he couldn't help but feel worried for her. Her arm was scalded pretty badly and she was limping.

But she still pretended everything was fine so everyone would stop worrying. Daehyun shook his head. The typical her.

He quickly got into the pantry and made a small cup of milk coffee for her. Holding the paper cup in his hand, he carefully brought it back to her.

She was trying to get her shoe off but was struggling.

He called her and walked up to her, making her confused.

He helped her sit down comfortably and passed her the coffee. Then kneeling down to get the shoe of her injured ankle, "I'll help you with this. Just drink the coffee."

He got her shoe off and placed the ice pack on her swollen ankle carefully.

He didn't notice but Nicole smiled at his every action. Blood slightly rushing to her cheeks from the contact he was making.

"Thank you," she whispered.

He looked up, eyes turning into crescents, The Eye smile she loves, "My pleasure."


QOTD: who's your bias wrecker in B.A.P?

Mine used to be Jongup and he successfully wrecked it. Now, Daehyun :"-)

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