Youngjae: Science

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Y/N: Park Jae-min


Jaemin shuffled her feet nervously as she stared at the pink card in her hand, slightly shaking.

'C'mon he's right in front of you, just pass it to him', she scolded herself.

She looked at him another time.

He was attentively studying for the upcoming end year mock paper. From his perfect skin, sharp nose and thin lips, she fell in love him the moment she saw him. Since four years back, it has never stopped. The hundred and one boys who asked her out didn't seem to change her feelings she has towards him.

She breathed heavily out her nose and finally walked up to him confidently.

"Uh... Youngjae-ssi, t-this is f-for y-you," she stuck out the pink card out to him with both her hands shyly.

He looked at her blankly before taking the card from her.

"T-Thank y-you!" She ran out of the library and to the school's rooftop.

'Phew, he wouldn't know I'm here—'

"Uh, Park Jae-min-ssi," a soft voice called from behind.

She shut her eyes in annoyance and turned around slowly, hopefully it's not—

"Oh, Yoo Youngjae-ssi."

"Hey, sorry. I can't accept your confession," he handed the card back to her.

She smiled bitterly, "It's okay! Thanks, at least I got to hear your answer."

She ran down the stairs back to the dance studio.

"Didn't go well?" Jae-min's Best Friend Hoseok appeared beside her.

She looked at him blankly, "H-Huh? Oh, yeah. I Guess so."

"Aye, it's fine. Just focus on the upcoming prelims. That's more important that the all-mighty-Yoo-Youngjae," he rolled his eyes as his voice was filled with sacarsm.

Jae-min shot him a dirty glare, making him raise his hands as a sign of surrendering to her.

"C'mon, let's go just practice for our upcoming competition."


"Yoo Youngjae, highest again with full marks, well done," the chemistry teacher smiled as Youngjae went up to her and got his paper politely.

The announcement of marks dragged on and on and all Jae-min could do was sigh over and over again.

"Park Jae-min, I know you're moving out of Busan next week but that doesn't give you and excuse to do so poorly," the chemistry teacher bellowed, making her snap out of her daydream.

"I'm sorry," she whispered as she got her paper.

All eyes were on her, nobody heard about departure from her hometown.

"You're moving?" Hoseok poked her from her right side and his eyes were filled with nothing but concern, "Why didn't you tell me? Where to?"

She smiled at him bitterly, "Mian, I was going to tell you during lunch today. I'm moving to Seoul."

"Aish! I'm going to miss you," he pouted as she giggled softly.

"Nado. Do well and we'll meet again. Somewhere, in some place. Okay?"

"Alright," he smiled and pat her head before the two returned to their notes.

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