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Louis and Avril rant.


So, I've decided to comment about this whole louis-avril drama, which is the most annoying drama that has ever existed. Don't get me wrong, I made this rant in order to make people GET why do I hate Avril so much. This girl is annoying, tbh.

Apparently, Avril was known as a fan and also big larrie, she was acting like a big big big fan ever than us. She's using the word 'old fan' to prove us that she wasn't using Louis for fame. Let's take a look now.

The first time we saw that bitch was on November 7th or 8th idk, we saw that Louis HUGGED her in his car with her bestfriend. If she was a fan, than why would Louis suddenly came to the airport just to meet her and hug her that way? Was she like 'Oh hi Louis, I'm Avril and I'm a fan of you of course, can you pick me up on the airport? Also you need to hug me because I'm a fan 111!!!1!!11!!'

After the airport drama, they were spotted by A LOT of papz like everywhere. Too much drama, huh? How much did the management pay her for this?

This random Indonesian said that she NEEDED a private life. Private Instagram. Private Twitter. She told us that she was a very private person, and also told a fan that she didn't want to take some pictures because she DIDN'T want to see her face around the internet, she didn't want to be EXPOSED. Yet she was doing a twitcam with the rest of the boys with her bestfriend. Wow, what a very privacy person in the world.

Not to forget, she used to private her Instagram and once she gone to Indonesia, she kept her Instagram publicand gained much followers there. And there was A LOT OF pictures of her and Louis hanging out together. Following this line makes me thinking... lmao, she's trying to get fame by using Louis.

And after that she posted some random pictures of her real life and also his boyfriend (was known Alvaro), but she deleted all her picts with Alvaro after she posted a picture of Louis with caption 'Missin this guy'. Lol.

Attention seeker af.

After about 6 months she went to L.A. for college, and she MET Louis there. 1 year later, she became a famous ass model, instanly. How did she get that?

These all dramas make me sick, I'm quite sure that Avril and Louis weren't dating, I'm sure this was Modest! all behind. I have a very strong feeling. I mean, looking at those pictures make me think like this whole things happen all the time.

In conclusion, all I'm trying to say is that I don't trust Avril because I'm pretty sure she's taking advantage of Louis annd she's trying to get a model career. She also was seen hanging out with Kendall Jenner and Hailey Baldwin. Do you think, where did she get that?

I'm not that type to rant about it or hate anyone on social media but I had to speak up about my opinion that I've kept to myself alone.

p.s. I'm not hating her.


Wow, I have so much to say though. But over all, I feel bad about you. Making a long ass pharagraph about myself. Congrats! You ashamed yourself. Also, don't put the 'I'm not hating her' onto the prhase. It's all clear, you hate me with making this conspiracy pharagraph about me. Nasty person.

p.s. stop saying I'm making drama everywhere, you guys are the one who started all of this.

Gue boleh aja nulis hal demikian, tapi pada faktanya gue nangis senangis-nangisnya orang yang lagi nangis nyesek. Sakit banget hati gue waktu baca itu, sumpah gue ga bohong. Rasanya... astaga, awalnya gue cuma nge-reblog beberapa post yang lucu-lucu gitulah di Tumblr, taunya gue nemu itu.

[2] not so fangirl ;; 1dTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang