Gue gondok parah sama mata kuliah satu ini. Serius, dua rius, tiga rius, empat rius. Gue ga bohong. Andaikan bisa kayak di jaman gue SMA, gue bisa nyumpelin telinga gue pake heatset supaya ga denger guru ngomong. Tapi sekarang, gue udah ga bisa. Nyambung-nyambungnya udah sama kelulusan. Gila.
"—the injunction is an equitable private law remedy reveloped by the Court of Chancerry, and is usually used to prevent a wrongful and damaging act," jelas nenek-nenek tua itu, ga tua-tua banget sih. Gue lupa namanya siapa, dosen baru soalnya. Dosen itu bener-bener niat banget jelasinnya, sedangkan gue di sini udah ngantuk parah. "Okay, enough for today. See you next week."
Dan setelah itu, dari seluruh populasi kelas, gue yang paling niat buat beresin buku dan keluar dari kelas. Baru aja gue keluar dari kelas, ternyata Bea udah nungguin gue di depan. Gue sebenernya ga niat banget sumpah, gue pengen tidur-tiduran di rumah soalnya hari ini job gue kosong.
Tapi ya gimana ya, gue enggak enak banget kalo nolak ajakan Bea buat jalan bareng. Entar gue dikira songong. Gue juga sebenernya jarang banget berinteraksi sama orang-orang di kampus, ga ngerti kenapa.
Udah berasa anti sosial gue.
"What's up?" sapa gue ke Bea sambil benerin buku tebel yang gue tenteng.
Bea senyum ke gue dan ngelambaikan tangannya. "Nothing much, I've been waiting for you for about five minutes here. So, where are we going?"
Gue menyerngit, ini orang aneh. Dia yang ngajakin gue jalan, malah dia yang nanyain gue mau kemana. "I don't know," gue menggidikan bahu.
"What about Beverly Center?"
"Great," gue ngangguk-ngangguk doang. "You're driving your car?"
"Alright," gue ngangguk lagi, serius ini bakalan canggung parah gila. Gue ga ngerti mau ngomong apa, gue ga pinter ngomong. Gue rada garing kalo sama orang yang baru gue kenal. Serius.
Gue sama Bea jalan ke parkiran, posisinya gue ada di samping dia sambil sok-sok buka iPhone gue karna gue canggung parah, gila abis dah intinya gue ga bisa sok asik sama orang baru. Gitu deh.
Louis: I wanna eat you
Tiba-tiba ada WhatsApp dari Louis muncul dan ngomong gitu, lah ini orang udah waras apa gimana?
Me: whAt
Louis: no I mean I wanna eat you tonight
Me: oh well, you shoud've said that to harry instead of me though
Me: bcs this is not a hetero fanfiction
Louis: what the hell am I saying
Louis: ok
Louis: I mean, what about dinner in my house? I'm all alone here without friends lol
Me: oh... are you alone there?
Louis: yeah, I'm all alone here
Louis: just me, myself, and i
Me: it seems like a song lyric but I forgot the title
Louis: that's the title
Me: hey louis d'ya wanna see something cool?
Louis: no
Me: hey I'm pweeetyy sure this' swuuuuuper coooooooool
Louis: no
[2] not so fangirl ;; 1d
Fanfiction[SECOND BOOK OF FANGIRL] Avril flew to America for college and fortunately, she met Louis Tomlinson and his-idiot-band-mates-5ever over again. She didn't know that she would be this lucky, became closer to her idols. Okay, you might say her...