Chapter 1

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PS: Based on the book, "100 Days with Jennifer" by @lopezconnick

Once again, #JustAnImagination 😉

This one is actually based from my one of my favorite books I've read here on wattpad but it was not finished yet so I decided to invent an imagination as it's the second book though it's not my intention to go before it's an author so my conscience is clean! ;) (Because I could say, I was a BIG FAN of that story.)

And.., They're just..THOUGHTS..and lots of "WHAT IF's..."

I just loved the story so I created this imagination, simple..

I just still couldn't accept it's ending and so I created these imaginations to make myself feel better..

And I hope, you'll appreciate this! ;D



Harry is assigned by a rich man named, Mr. Lopez.

He assigned Harry to teach his daughter who has a bad attitude, to teach Jennifer a good lesson.

By showing her the life of a poor, to treat her like an ordinary person in his trailer

At first, It's not easy for Harry, cause it's too damn hard to handle a brat like Jennifer. But he did anyway, to sustain the hospital bills of his mother who is suffering for cancer.

But as the days go by, Jennifer is falling in love with Harry. Though Harry is falling in love with her too he tried to stop his feelings cause he's not the right one for her. A beautiful, rich and educated doesn't deserve a man like him. But Jennifer was willing to fight for their relationship even though his dad is not agreed with it.

He tried to fight for the love he has for Jennifer but he didn't succeed..

Mr.Lopez told Harry to leave Jennifer. He left Jennifer temporarily. He promised to prove Mr. Lopez wrong. So she just let him...

Until their connection was....lost


Jennifer's POV

"Come on Jen! You don't want to miss it!!" Leah loudly said from the front door.

"I'm coming!!" I shouted back

The moment I'm done changing my clothes, I went to the front door to go to Leah. Today, we're going to an orphanage! Yes. Orphanage. I donated for the kids who don't have a family of their own that needs love.

I've been doing this years ago today. I started donating not just to orphanages but also to other foundations. And today, I'm going with Leah. Yes, with Leah. As you know, she was a bxxtch who has a bad attitude. After what I did to her that night. When the night I slapped her. I realized that she's still my best friend. I changed her too. I taught her to be nice in any kind of people, Even though she/he is not rich like him

"Wow Jen! You look so good! You have simple makeup and yet, still slaying!!" Leah said smiling 

"Thank You, you too!" I replied as I entered the car after her.

And now we're here at St. Vincent Community Orphanage

Once we get out of the car, I could see the smiles of the kids playing in the playground, Playing with each other. I remember Marco. The little boy who always plays with...

Oh I don't want to mention his name. I'll just get hurt. Never mind

"Oh Hi Ms. Lopez! Hi, Ms. Remini! It's good to see you here! " Sister Emily greet us as we get out of the car 

"It's good to see you too again, Sister.," I said a splashed a smile

As we enter the hallway, I could see the smiles of every kid around us playing, reading books, Dancing with the music. That made me smile...

Oh How i remember the kids who used to dance and play with me and....the man who changed me...

"Thank You so much for helping us, Ms.Lopez! The children are really happy." She said as she smiled, a genuine smile

"It's my pleasure to help sister Emily!" I replied and smiled. It's a good feeling when you're helping...

I never imagine myself to be like this.

Once we enter the venue where we're going to do the Outreach Program too, I could see the happiness of each smile that made me smile and melted my heart. And now I truly know that you don't have to have a luxury life just to be happy..

While I was growing up, my Dad always gives me all I want

"Ms.Lopez. I'll just help the helpers preparing the lunch." Sister Emily approached me and smiled 

"Ah yeah sure!" I said and nodded

Then Leah looked at me and smiled

"I'll just look around and play with them. Seems like they're so adorable and cute," Leah said as she giggles

"Okay. Go ahead!" I laughed softly

As I'm looking at them, then my gaze landed on this kid at the corner. He's just sitting on the floor. He's 5-6 years old. I could tell..

He seems sad. Just looking outside the window. I didn't think twice. I walked toward him

"Uh..Hi! You know you should join them to play." I said to this little boy as I sat beside him but he's still staring at something

"Hey..Is there a problem? You could talk to me." I said to him but he doesn't still look at me.

"You know, You could talk to me. I could be your friend." I said and finally, he faced me. I can see in his brown eyes the sadness. I wonder what is the problem of this cute kid.

I noticed that he has many bruises on his arms. I felt my heart aching when i saw those

"What happened to your arm?" I asked as I tried to touch gently his arm but he pulled away

And then he looked down

"My dad did this cause my mom didn't give him her money," The little boy said with his tone started to crack

"Oh..What happened to your mom? Where is she? And why are you here?" I asked. I'm curious to know.

He looked down and i noticed there was a tear escaped from his eye

"He killed my mom.." The little boy answered as he started to sob. Gosh, I shouldn't have asked this. Shit

I leaned closer to him and hug him. Very tight. I want to feel him loved.

"Shhh..It's going to be okay. I'm so sorry I asked you about it."

"It's okay. I just miss my mom so much." He said as he releases from our hug and wipes his eyes.

"Look. Have this." I said I as handed him my handkerchief

"It's going to be Okay." I said trying to make him smile but he still doesn't

"Look. I could be your mom if you want." I said and finally, he smiled.

I want to adopt him...

"Finally you smiled!" I said and giggle and he giggles too. Oh my god. He is so adorable.

"You mind if I ask you your name?" I asked this little boy

"My name is Max"

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