Chapter 49

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Jennifer's POV

While I was walking away from the restroom, I saw Harry talking with a woman. I immediately felt jealousy running

 And i have to admit, she look...Beautiful. And here i am, i look like a whale.

I stayed calm

I walked closer to Harry and held his arm

To be honest, I don't like how this woman looking at Harry

"Oh hey! There you are!" Harry said as she wrapped his arm around me.

"Oh uhm..Jen? This is uh..Eve." Harry said

"Eve? This is my wife, Jennifer." He said to Eve?

Eve smiled at me so i smiled at her.

"Hi Jennifer. Nice to meet you." She said

"Nice to meet you too." I said as we shook hands

Then I remember..Harry mentioned the name of an old lady that he saved

I looked at Harry

"Baby? You mentioned to me before that, Eve is also the name of the old lady you saved, right?" I said

He narrowed his eyebrows while looking at me then he looked at Eve

"Y...yeah. I did.." Harry said while nodding. Then he held my hand tightly.

Harry's POV

I'm freaking nervous right now.

"What?? You told her that I'm an old woman??" Eve loudly said. I gave her a look signaling her to shut up

Jen looked at me with a different look. Uh oh..

"Eve, that is not true.." I calmly said

"What do you mean by not true? You gave me a dress right? When I stayed at your house..?" Eve said making Jen to let go of my hand

I looked at Jennifer with my mouth half opened

"What's the meaning of this Harry?" She asked as I saw her eyes getting teary

"I..uhm..No..I mean.." I can't speak

"Jennifer, your husband helped me and saved my life when I was almost hit by a truck." Eve said

Jennifer is just looking at me as her tear escaped from her eye. Then she pulled away 

"You lied to me..." She said calmly

"Jen, let me explain.." I said as I tried to held her hand

"No. Don't." She said as she walked away

"Jen! Wait!!!" 

Then everybody looked at me

Oh my..

Then Eve lingered my arm down to my hand and held it

"Hey! What are you doing??" I said getting pissed as i let go of her

"Harry, your wife doesn't love you anymore.." Eve said as she smirked

Then suddenly, she cupped my face and kissed me torridly. I held both of her arm to pull her away but she deepened the kiss and wrapped her arms around my neck


I snapped as Eve snapped her fingers in front of me

I looked at her with so much confusion in my eyes

"Are you alright?" She asked as she laughed

I tried to laugh as I wipe my sweats while looking down. 

What a terrible imagination...

"You didn't answer my question." She said

"What question?" I asked getting nervous

"I asked, how many kids you have." She asked

"Oh uhm.." I rubbed my head

"Soon to be 3. My eldest is going to be 10 year old next week, my second is 8 months and my wife is pregnant for our third child.." I said as I smiled

"Wow...I'm sure you'll be a happy family.." She said as she laughed softly

"Thank You.." I said smiling

"And me, i don't know what will happen to me. My husband left me and my daughter, my daughter is dead. So I'm all alone." She said looking down

"Hey.." I lifted up her face

"Don't say that.." I whispered as I squeezed her hand

She looked at me as she sniffed

"Can I hug you Harry? I just want someone to hug me.." She said and tried to laugh

" problem." I said as I hugged her. She hugged me back

This woman needs to feel loved so i hugged her. That's just it

Then Jennifer appeared. She's from the restroom. I'm still hugging Eve so I slowly pulled away

"Eve, my wife is there.." I whispered. Then i walked closer to Jennifer.

"Hi!" I said and tried to smile as I felt my sweats in my face

"What's happening to you?" She asked giggling as she wiped my sweats with her bare hand

"It means nothing, Okay?" I said. Referring to our hug

"What are you talking about, Harry?" She asked as she narrowed her eyebrows

"For what you just saw. Me and that lady are nothing.." I said

"Harry, you were the only one I saw standing there..." Jennifer said


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