Chapter 2

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Jennifer's POV

It's been 2 months since I had Max. I adopted him. He's very adorable, Smart, Sweet. 

It seems like he's my real son. Oh well, he's my son now. I'll do everything to be a good mother to him. We live in my apartment in Manhattan. Just me and him. 

5 years ago, I decided to move and live independently. I don't want to depend on my father all the time. It was time for me to do it cause I changed a lot. I am now working as a fashion designer. I am the editor in chief of the company that my father owns too. It's been 5 years. I dated a lot of men. And none of them was serious. They just want to be with me cause of my wealth. They just want to have fun with me, if you know what I'm talking about. 

I am so done with those things! I changed a lot. None of them is like him. Sweet, Can Love me unconditionally, thoughtful and can make me happy in the simple things he does. 

I really miss Harry..So much! I miss his hugs, his kisses, his arms, his lips and his love. I woke up in my bed every morning feeling empty. I really wish he's beside me, cuddle me every morning. I really miss his sweet touch that could make my morning.

Where is he now? How is he? Does he still love me? Does he still care for me? Cause I still love him. And I'm still waiting for his return. I always pray that he will return and will fight again for me...I woke up as I felt a small arms around my waist. Oh Max. My little man.

"Good morning Mommy!" He said as I faced him and hugged him very tight

"Mom! I can't breathe!" He complained as he giggles

"Good Morning baby!" I said while tickling him

"Mom! Stop!!" he said as he laughing. I stopped tickling him and pecked his lips

"Mom. You should prepare now for your work"

"And you should prepare now for school. Kiddo!" I said and he giggles

"Come on! Let's prepare now, then!" He said and smiled so wide and pecked my lips

Oh god. I am so happy I have a sweet son like Max. How I really wish I have a family too. You know, with the man that I truly love so much. 


Max ran to his room to prepare for his school. And I get off the bed and walk to the bathroom. Once I'm done, I dried myself and wore a red tight dress and Louboutin heels and headed to the kitchen to cook breakfast for us. Once we're done eating, I gave Max is lunch and hopped in the car and drove him to school

"Baby, Be good. Okay?"

"Yes Mom. I love you!"

"I love you to baby!" I said as I pecked his lips.

"Mom, Can we go to the park this Saturday?" He asked with his begging eyes. How could I resist his cuteness?

"Oh yes sure! Whatever my baby wants!" I replied as I pecked his lips once again. And he hopped off the car with his big smile and walk to their school.

I drove to work to start another typical day

"Good Morning Ms. Lopez!" Sandra. My assistant greeted me

"Hi Good morning Sandra!" I replied and go inside of my office

My office is wide. Clean. And one picture frame of me and Harry. By seeing his smile in the picture makes my day so wonderful...

But sometimes.., it keeps me wonder if I should wait for him to come back? I don't want my hopes to start fading away and just forget all about him...

But I don't know how..I am so stupid.

I just..., Love him. 

I started to draw in a sketchpad when I heard knock

"Come in!"


Oh Leah..

"Hey bxxtch!" Leah said as she hugged me making me giggle

"You visit!"

"Yeah, I just miss you so much. You were so busy. We barely hang out!"

"You know I have lots of work to do and the fashion week is next week. You know I have to do this right?"

"Yeah I know, I just really miss hanging out with you. I can't remember we go hang out in a bar." She said 

"Oh Leah..You know me now right? I don't want anyone to flirt with me.." I said as shook my head smiling 

"Yeah I know! You're good girl now! You changed! He changed you.." She said and smirked 

I just smiled..

"You miss him, don't you?" She asked  as she sat on the chair in front of my table 

"There is no day that I don't miss him. Leah..You know that." I said as I took a deep breath 

She then stood up and walked close to me

She just hugged me as I hugged her too

"Just hold on, Jen.." She whispered 

"I just really wish, he'll come back for you," Leah said as we release our hug

"Yes, he will come back for me...Even though I have no idea, when.." I said in a sad tone

"Believe me..He will..." She said as she winked and smiled 

Her actions made me smile

After that moment with Leah, we went to the restaurant across the company building and had lunch. We talked about random things until.., 

My gaze landed on the other table, just a few steps away from us 

I saw a familiar man...

He looks so formal and had bodyguards near him. He's talking to a man at their table. Oh my God. Harry..

"Harry.." I mumbled 

I just can't help it but build tears in my eyes as I suddenly feel my heart thumps rapidly 

"Leah! It's Harry!!!" I whispered with full of excitement when I pointed him

She then faced the direction where I saw him 

"Oh My God, It's him!!!" She said so excitedly too.

I kept on staring at him until he caught me staring at him. 

I want to stand up from my seat and go to him and hug him so tightly 

I smiled with teary eyes 

I expected that he will smile to me and walk to me. But..

He looked away and continued talking to the man he's talking with. What's happening?

He ignored me??

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