Chapter 36

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Claire's POV

I want to love him even though this is not right. I don't want to feel broken again by the same man. I was so tired to hurt myself..

But what if this is our destiny?

Harry told me he's going to file for divorce. He's going to end his relationship with Jennifer but he will take his responsibility for his children. 

I'm so beyond happy yet so scared. What if he will wake up soon? And remember that he truly love her? 

But maybe he truly loves me, that's why these things are all happening cause it meant to be. What if they're not the right one for each other? What if, Harry loves me the most than her? 

I've been on his side when he's trying to forget Jennifer when I was still his secretary and a friend..

I'm scared if the day comes and he will leave me hanging in the air. 

But no. After all these years, I've been so sad but he came into my life unexpectedly. 

I'll never let him go..Not now..


I'm staring at him while while he's peacefully sleeping while I'm resting my head against his chest.. I pecked his lips softly as I smiled

"I Love you.." I whispered and kissed his nose. It made him moved.

"Oh sorry..I woke you up.." I said. He fluttered his eyes and rubbed it. 

He slowly looked at me and smiled

"I Love you too.." He whispered as he smiled. I giggled and kissed his lips again

"I Love you more.." I said and hugged him tightly 

"What time is it now?" He asked

I looked at the clock

"Hmm...It's 6 pm." I said

He slowly sat on the bed and rubbed his head, feeling distracted 

"Are you okay?" I asked. He looked looked at me

I sat beside him as I covered my body using the blanket 

"Hey, don't be stress.." I softly said rubbing his back 

"Uhm...I have to go now, Claire.." He said as he stood up 

"Hey wait! Are you not going to stay here for dinner?" I asked as he wear back his pants and shirt 

"I'm sorry I can't cause I have meeting at 7pm." He said while wearing his watch 

"But I'll come back here tomorrow and stay with you all day..okay?" He said as he walked closer to me and kissed my lips softly 

"Okay..I'm gonna miss you.." I said as kissed him again softly 

"Me too..I love you." He whispered smiling and winked 

"I love you too.." I said smiling then he pecked my lips as he get his briefcase and left. 

Harry's POV

I drove back to our Mansion. I parked my car into my driveway and went inside. 

I saw Max sitting on the couch. He looked at me. I smiled to him but he looked away. 

Then he stood up and ran to his room. I felt guilty for not remembering about him but I know he's special to me..

I walked upstairs and opened the door of our room. I went inside and closed the door behind me, I was shocked when I turned around cause Jen is standing there in front of me with her arms crossed

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