Chapter 18

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Jennifer's POV

I woken up with those sweet pecks in my face. I fluttered my eyes and saw Harry smiling at me like a fool

"What are you doing?" I asked as i giggles

"Breakfast is ready. Max and I made breakfast for you." He said smiling

I rubbed my eyes as I sat. Max sat on Harry's lap

" met each other already.." I said smiling at them

"Yes Mommy. And I like him a lot." He said. That melts my heart

"He's such a good boy, Jen.." Harry said 

"Yeah. He is.." I said as I tucked his hair behind his ear. His hair is getting longer though it's wavy but i find it so cute and adorable.

"Mom. Can Harry play with me?" Max asked with his begging eyes

Harry mouthed me "Please?" and smiled like a fool again

I just laughed

"Okay.." I said

"Today, we will go to the zoo to see the animals. And we go to the park to play afterwards.How's that?" Harry asked Max

"Really?" Max is so excited. I smiled

"Yes. Really.." Harry said as he pinched his cheek

Now, i could picture Harry playing with our 5 kids

I can't help it but to feel my eyes getting teary

Max's eyes got so excited and looked at Harry

"But, Can Mom go play with us?" Max asked

Harry looked at me

"But..Mom and I already played last night.." Harry said and winked at me


I just bury my face on my palm and laughed. 

"Really? What did you play?" Max asked

"Fvck You!" I mouthed Harry. Enough for Max not to see cause he's still looking at Harry waiting for the answer

"We had....played scrabble.." Harry said and splashed a smile to Max

Harry looked at me as he burst in to laughing 

This guy is so crazy..

But I'm crazy in love with him..

Harry's POV

I called Benny if it's okay to take over my work for today and he agreed. And plus, I'm not ready to see Claire yet. I don't know if she's absent or not. I asked Benny if my secretary is in the office and he said, Yes. 


After we ate breakfast, Me and Max went to the zoo. Jennifer can't go with us today cause she have this business conference. I know it's important. According to Jill. They're partners now. 

Max seems so happy to be in the zoo. We've been walking around to see different kind of animals

"Harry?" He said while we're eating ice cream on the bench

"Hmm?" I looked at him

"C..Can I call you dad?" he asked. I could see in this 8 year old boy the sadness in his eyes. Jen already told me about his past story about his parents

"Yeah sure. Why not?" I said as I smiled at him. He smiled so wide

"Thank You dad." He said as he gave me sweet smile

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