Chapter 3

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Jennifer's POV

He looked so different now.. He's so formal

He stood up from his chair

I want to run to him, hug him very tight, kiss his soft lips that I've been longing to feel. Feel his hug. I want to embrace him right now. I could feel my tears of happiness escaped from my eyes.

The man he was talking with went out of the restaurant. Harry is fixing himself as he walked to the door. 

I can't take this anymore. I really miss him

I ran to him and hugged him from the back

"Harry!!! I missed you!!!" I said, didn't care if all the customers are looking at us. I hugged him tighter

"Hey miss! I can't breathe!" He said as he slowly turned around

God...those blue eyes, soft lips, and face that I've been longing to caress

I could smell his perfume and it is so good.., 

"I missed you, Harry." I whispered as i cupped his face while looking to his eyes. I felt my tears building in my eyes.

He slowly removed my hands from his face and pulled away. 


He looked deeply in my eyes

"Who are you miss?" he asked as I felt my heart got ripped. What the fvck is happening?

"Harry! It's me! I'm Jennifer! I'm your girlfriend. The one that you love and I Love you so much!!!" I said as my tears streaming down my face. I couldn't help it but i hugged him so tight again, not wanting to let him go this time..

"I miss you...."I said mumbling in his chest while still hugging him and can't  really help it but to feel so happy inside me

It's been 5 years! 

"Step Back Ma'am!" The one bodyguard said as he gently grabbed my arm away from Harry

"No! It's Okay. Leave us." Harry said as the bodyguard stepped away

"Harry..." I whispered as I tried to hold his hand but he's not reacting on it

"Sorry uhm..Jennifer? But I don't know you. I don't have a girlfriend named Jennifer. I don't know who you are..Sorry. I must be the look alike of your boyfriend" He said as my mouth half-opened. My tears are still streaming down my face.

"W...what?" I asked as he narrowed his eyebrows. I saw his eyes full of confusion

"Sorry Miss.." He said as he turned get his hanky from his pocket and handed it to me. He then just gave me a side smile as he turned around and walk away and left...

What is wrong with him?? I was still standing there as my tears are still flowing down my face. I couldn't stop crying.

 What just had happened?

Leah ran toward me from my back and held my arms. I just buried my face on her as she hugged me

"Jennifer! Where is he? What was wrong? Why did he left?" Leah asked as she keeps on wiping my tears using her handkerchief

I slowly look at her

"He don't know me..." I said while I'm still sobbing

"Hey..Ssshh..Stop crying now. I don't want to see my best friend crying like this.." Leah said while comforting me

I keep on crying while I'm hugging her

"Jen, everyone is looking at us. Let's go home.." She said as I just nodded 

We went out of restaurant and hopped in my car

"Come on! I'll drive.." Leah offered. I just let her as I sat at the passenger's seat. My mind is still blank.., wondering.., thinking so deeply. Why do i feel like a stranger to him?? 

The whole drive was silent. I'm just looking at the window thinking what happened? Why Harry doesn't remember me? I can't help it but my heart feels so much pain and hurt as my tear escaped from my eye

I know Leah heard me sniffed. But she didn't say anything. She just turned on the radio to make me feel relaxed

I feel relaxed for a moment until we're now at my house. She parked my car to my driving way.

We both get out from my car. 

"Leah...What's happening?" I asked Leah almost whispered while we're walking to my front door 

"Jen....I have no idea what's been going on, or what hapened, why he suddenly became like that. But Everything's gonna be alright. Okay?" She said as she hugged me and kissed my cheeks

I didn't say anything.. I just wiped my tears 

I just nodded 

"I should go now. Angelo is probably waiting for me.." She said as she carresing my back and smiled

"Okay.." I said as i smiled

We said goodbye to each other as I stepped into my house.

I closed the door behind me. I couldn't help but I slowly slide myself through the door crying so hard. Until I sat on the floor

"Harryyyyy!!!!" I screamed as I'm crying so hard.

I feel my blood dripping because of pain. I still don't know why he did that! 

I feel my knees trembling as i feel weak

"Harry...I missed you so much.." I said still crying my eyes out and just curl myself on the floor

"Harry, I love you..." I whispered as I sobbed

I kept on crying and crying while I'm hugging myself until I fell asleep on the floor..

Harry's POV

That was the best and yet so difficult and heartbreaking acting I've ever done in my whole life.

The moment when I saw her staring at me, I saw her eyes teary, full of happiness. I was talking to Gerard. The boyfriend of my half-sister.

I was about to leave but she hugged me so tight. I missed this so much. I missed us

But i have to focus on my plan

That I have to forget Jennifer in my life. And if we see each other again, I will act like i don't know her. 

That was the most difficult thing i have to do..

I pulled away as I walked away from her. I could feel the sadness in her eyes. I really wanted to hug her back, embrace her, rub her back, kiss her full of passion and tell her, I love you so much. But didn't happened. 

I never forget the letter she wrote to me

I went out to the restaurant as my bodyguard opened the car door for me. We drove to my mansion

Once I stepped in my mansion, I ran to my bedroom, untied my ties and buried my face on my pillow

God..I couldn't help feel my heart ripped apart. Why is she coming back to my life? I don't want to fall for her again. Why did she suddenly became still the sweetest woman in my eyes after what happened? I did my best to forget her. 5 years of working to forget about her were not easy.

The moment when she said my name, i realized that I miss her so much..

But i can still feel so much anger, remembering the past..

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