Chapter 22

504 16 6

3 days later

Jennifer's POV

I fluttered my eyes as the sunlight hitting my face. I felt an arm wrapped in my tummy

I turned around and saw him peacefully sleeping

He snores so I crashed my lips to his to stop it

I laughed softly then he stopped but still peacefully sleeping

I smiled as I linger his forehead down to his cheeks and soft lips. I linger him down to his chest and drew hearts

I kissed his chest and his lips again

I slowly removed his arm from me as I slowly get out of  bed. I went to the room where Max is sleeping. He's still peacefully sleeping. I kissed his forehead softly as I pulled his blanket to cover him

I went downstairs and headed to the kitchen

The nanny helped me to make my coffee

"Thank You.." I said as I smiled

She nodded and smiled

I walked to the outside and sat on the bench beside the fountain

I'm sipping my coffee while I'm feeling the fresh air as the butterflies are freely flying around the garden

I took my phone from my pocket and decided to call Leah

Ring ring

"Hello?" She answered

"Hey!!!!" I said 

"Hey You!" She said 

I let out soft giggles as i heard her laughing

"How you doin?" I asked

" the way..When is the wedding?" She asked

How did she know??

"How did you know?" I asked as I laughed a little 

"Hello..? Uhm..because your Fiancé is one of the billionaires in the whole world? Of course it's all over the news. Oh my god!!! I saw the video where he proposed to you on the tv!!!! I'm so happy for you..!" She excitedly said as she laughed

"Ohh..Right.." I said as I giggles cause of her reactions 

"Thank You Leah.." I said

"You're welcome. By the way. I ha--"

I didn't hear what she said, I felt the sharp in my stomach up to my throat. I ran to the trash bin and threw up

I guess, Leah heard that since I haven't hang up the call

"Jen? Are you alright?" I heard her on the phone

I wiped my mouth and sat back on the bench

"Yes. I'm alright." I said

"Jen, are you sure? I heard you threw up.." She said

"Okay! I threw up. I've been feeling this.." I said

There's a silence for a while



"Are you pregnant?" She asked.

and..I deeply think about it for a while. I might be!!

Oh my god..

"Jen? Are you still there?"

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