Chapter 33

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Harry's POV

I fluttered my eyes as the sunlight hitting my face. 

I looked at myself as the blanket is covering me, i'm naked underneath.

I remember what happened last night and it was amazing. But i felt like i did a wrong thing

There's no wrong if you choose to be with someone you love..

Maybe, I did a wrong decision. That I married Jennifer 

Then i saw Claire walking towards me and placed the coffee mug on the table beside the couch 

"Good Morning.." She said as smiled

"Good Morning too.." I said 

Then she leaned closer to me and kissed my lips softly. I held both of her arms and made her lay beside me. 

I started putting soft kisses on her neck

"Harry..stopp..It tickles.." She said as she giggled. My arms are still wrapped around her 

"I Love You.." I whispered 

It takes few seconds before she speak

"I Love you too.." She said and hugged me tighter. I kissed her forehead making her giggled

"Come on. Let's eat." She said as she sat up.  

She put the tray on the table. 

There's egg, bacon, pancakes with strawberry syrup and black coffee..

Eggs, bacon, pancakes with strawberry syrup and black coffee..

I narrowed my eyebrows. This looks so familiar..

I closed my eyes and saw an image of a woman in front of me. We're feeding each other with this kind of breakfast. She's laughing so hard everytime she will feed me and I'm about to open my mouth but she ate it anyway and laughed again

I really wanted to ask Claire is she's that woman. But I felt a sudden pain on my head

I rubbed my head as my eyes are closed. 

"Hey, are you okay?" Claire asked while rubbing my back 

"Yes, I'm okay" I said and forced a smile

While I'm eating, I took the black coffee that Claire prepared for me 

I tasted it, It's different..Feels like I'm looking for something 

"How was it?" She said smiling 

"Uhm..Can i please add some sugar?" I asked

"Ohh..uhm..Okay. I will.." She said and pecked my lips as she stood up and went to the kitchen 

I massaged my head for a while until Claire came back

She handed me the mug

I tasted it 

"It's better.." I said as I smiled

I held her hand and kissed the back of it 

"Thank You.." I whispered

"No problem.." She said and smiled. She sat on my lap as she wrapped her arms around me. I wrapped my arms around her waist 

She's just looking at me

"What?" I asked and smiled

"Nothing..I just can't believe you're here with me.." She said

"Well believe it now. Cause I'll always be with you.." I said as I pecked her lips 

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