Chapter 15

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Harry's POV

"Claire?" I mumbled as she ran toward me

"What are you doing here?" I asked as she looked at my abs.

"Uhm...I came here to see you!" She happily said

"Come here.." I said grabbing her arm as we entered my room. Cause maybe someone will see us. And definitely Jen will know..

"Harry, it hurts!" She complained

I slammed her on the door and put my hands in it around her head

"Tell me, why are you here?" I calmly asked

"I told you, I came here to see you!" She said as she rubbed her hand to my chest down to my abs. I immediately held her hand

"Claire, What is wrong with you? Why are you doing this? You know I respect you!" I said looking at her

She pulled her hands away from my grip

"I already told you, I came here to see you! I missed you so much.." She said in a low tone

I shook my head. I just turned around from her but she held my arm and kissed me hard. I tried to pull away but she tighten her hand on me as she deepened the kiss

I slammed her on the wall as I broke the kiss

"Claire! Stop it now! We can't do this!" I shouted

"No Harry! You can't stop me! You can't stop my feelings about you!" She shouted in front of my face. I could see her eyes, getting teary

I looked at her with full of confusion as I narrowed my eyebrows

"Yes Harry! I Love you!" She said as her tear escaped from her eye. I just looked away and sighed hard

"No Claire. You can't love me.." I calmly said

Her mouth is half opened

"What? And why you treated me so special huh? Why are you so sweet to me? Why you care about me? Harry! I'm falling in love with you! Can't you see?" She said as she sobbed

"Yes Claire. I love you. But as a friend. You're a special woman and you deserve to be treated well.." I explained as I rubbed her shoulders

"No Harry! No! I want you to love me not just as friend!" She said as she hugged me and sobbed

I have to admit, I Love her, not just as a friend..

But now that Jennifer came back, I realized that she's still the one...

No matter how I'm trying to erase her, I just can't! 

I rubbed her back and tried to calm her down

"Sshh shh..Stop crying now. I don't like to see you cry right?" I whispered

"I'm not the right one for you Claire..and I know you will find someone who will love you cause you deserve to be loved." I whispered

She looked at me, still her tears are streaming down her face.

"Shh shh..Stop.." I whispered as I wiped her tears

"But I don't need anyone Harry! I need you!" She said as she cupped my face and kissed me torridly.

She kept on kissing me until I gave in

She pushed me to the bed. She laid me there as she started to undress herself. I flipped her over and now I'm on top of her. She started to unbutton her blouse but I stopped her.

"No Claire. We can't do this." I whispered. I could see the disappointment in her face. I button her blouse back

We're just looking at each other until i heard knocks at the door. Oh no..

"Go to the bathroom!" I whispered to Claire and she obeyed.

I went to the door and opened it. 


"What are you doing? I was waiting for you!!" She said as she crossed her arms.

I was about to open my mouth to speak but

"And why you don't even dressed up?" She asked as she raised her eyebrow

"Uhm...Benny called me so I was interrupted from finding my clothes" I explained as I smiled

"Sorry" I whispered

"Hmmm..Forgiven!" She said as she locked her arms around my neck and kissed me

I slowly pulled away

"Okay uhm..Let me wear my clothes. Okay?" I said as I smiled

"No need." She then closed the door behind her and she jumped on me as she locked her legs around my waist while kissing me torridly

"Jen, we just did it a while ago.." I said as I laughed. 

Seriously, I don't want to do it knowing that Claire is still in the bathroom

"You can't stop Jennifer Lopez, baby!" She said as she laid me on the bed and kissed me again

Oh no..

Claire's POV

Now I know why he keeps on refusing me a while ago. They're getting back together.

I could feel my heart broken into millions of pieces

I just waited here in the bathroom, feeling my tears falling on my face. Hearing the loudly moans of Jennifer is making myself cry more. I know they don't hear me cause I'm on the side of the bath tub.

After a few minutes.

"Jen baby.,Wait for me at the restaurant downstairs. Okay?" I heard Harry said

"Why? We can go there together!" She said. Ugh..

"But I have to make a call for a while. Please?" Harry said

"Okay!" She said and i could hear her kisses on his face

Finally, I heard the door opened and then closed

Harry opened the door of the bathroom.

"Claire?" He whispered


"Hey! What are you doing there?" He asked

He found me lying on the tub but there's no water. He helped me to get out from it as I stood up

"That was so loud!" I said as I walked away from him

"Hey" He said as he held my arm

"Please don't be like that.." He said in a low voice 

"I'm sorry.." He whispered looking at me

"No Harry. Don't be sorry. I should be the one to say sorry to you. Cause you already have a girlfriend now and I'm still here. Disturbing you... Waiting for you to love me even though I know I will never be win in the end..." I said as I walked away from him. I slammed the door of his room once I left. I am so pissed. He made me fall in love with him and then what?

Leaving me hanging like this.

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