Chapter 34

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Harry's POV

I drove to Claire's house. 

When she opened her front door, I immediately hugged her as i bury my face on the side of her head 

"Harry..? Are you alright?" She asked while she's rubbing my back. 

"Please...let me sleep here tonight..If that's okay.." I said

We slowly pulled away. I held her hand as i squeezed it 

"Of course. You can sleep here anytime you want. My house is always open for you.." She said as she smiled

"Thank You.." I hugged her again 

Next Morning 

"Are you sure you're not gonna eat breakfast here?" Claire asked while she's walking me out 

"Yes. I'll just eat at our house. I don't want Jennifer to suspect me. I'll tell her about us soon.." I said and kissed her forehead 

"Okay..I Love you.." She said as she hugged me

"I Love you too.." I whispered as I rubbed her back

I hopped in to my car and honked the horn as a goodbye. I drove back to our mansion 

I went inside as the maid walked to me 

"Good Morning sir, breakfast is ready." The maid said

"Okay.." I said and smiled. She nodded and walked away 

I walked upstairs and went to our room 

I saw Jennifer sitting on the edge of the bed while playing her nails 

I slowly opened the door as she looked at me

I smiled but she looked down

I closed the door behind me and walked to the table and put my phone and watch  

"Harry, we need to talk.." She seriously said. I could see the sadness in her eyes, she's been crying 

I looked at her as she stood up and faced me

"Please tell me...Where did you go on the night when you left me here?" She asked still looking deeply into my eyes 

"I told you, I went to Benny's.." I said 

"Stop lying!!!" She loudly said and sat on the bed

I sighed hard. How did she know?


"I called Benny last night and he said, he's in California since monday until now. You left on Thursday night!! So tell me, how come did you went to him??" She asked as her tears are streaming down her face 

"Okay fine. I have to admit. I lied. But it's true, i went to a friend.." I said 

"Harry!!! Why did you lie to me?? Huh?? What did I do wrong to you for you to do this to me??" She said as she buried her face on her palms, crying 

I kneeled down on the floor in front of her

"I'm sorry.." I whispered as I'm rubbing her knee

"I just said it for you not to worry anymore.." I said softly 

She looked at me 

I wiped her tears as I smiled at her

"If that's true, then tell me where have you been that night.." She asked as she sniffed 

"I went to my college friend. Because he told me he's going back to London so i didn't hesitate to go to his house." I said 

"I'm sorry if I lied to you. I promise, it won't happen again.." I said as I wiped her tears again and smiled 

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